Mission 101: Like a New Years Resolution, only for COOL PEOPLE...

Jan 13, 2009 00:00

Uuuhhhhhhhhhhh hi.

I'm this guy... I go to school for music composition. I try real hard, for sure. These two sentences completely count as a right proper introduction. 'Ho damn, now it's THREE sentences. WHOAH... FOUR. OH LORD, FIV-- shut up.

So recently a friend told me about Mission101. This is a project wherein you create 101 goals and work to complete them in 1001 days. Basically, it's like the ultimate New Years resolution: you spend so much time typing up all of these goals so you actually end up thinking of them during the day instead of forgetting about them and spending the rest of the year not doing anything, like people usually do with regular-type New Years resolutions (typically I train Fighting and Steel types, but that's not for everyone, you know? LUCARIO LOLOL shut up).

Although I've been working on these goals since I heard about it, I have only just now completed a full list (the last 20 goals were totally killer-- took me FOREVER for some reason). And so, with a tear in my eye and some purpose in my life (I guess), I give you a Mission101 list, that, when malignantly incomplete at the end of my 2.75 years, will cause such an existential crisis in myself that the rest of you that I perceive to exist along with me may just fizzle out into the fairy tale that perhaps you all are.

1. Write a book or short story. Edit said book or short story. Let someone actually read it.
2. Practice more, instrument-wise. You're good at things, certainly. Get better. MUCH better.
3. Open up and get out. You are the worst boxy-clam person ever. You admire freedom and the way children live and in general people that are zesty in personality... and you do nothing about it. It KILLS you. Be honest. Feel something. Get out there and do what you want for your own happiness. Even if it's wearing goddamn cat ears. Fuck. Everyone. Else's. Thoughts. On. The. Matter.
4. Speaking of which, stop talking about how people look. You know how you feel about that. Speak out against it when it's happening. Don't be a self-righteous bitch about it, but just make it into a conversation. Why does it matter?
5. You are hesitating even in the wording of goals that are ONLY FOR YOU. What IS that? Stop justifying everything you do to everyone. Sometimes there is freedom in chaos.
6. Read ten books. This is impossible for you, because you are the slowest reader in the entire world. TRY, YOU WHORE.
7. Finish that album. Please. You've been sitting on it since senior year of high school....
8. A public performance as a "band". At LEAST one. Preferably more, but hey, baby steps.
9. Find 20 bands that you love that you haven't heard yet. You listen to the same old music nowaday. Actively search. Find recommendations. Go in blind! Do whatever! Go Go Go!!
10. Write a substantial piece of music. You'll know substantial when you see it.
11. Write 10 smaller works that still have a soul and personality to them.
12. Learn a large chunk of Japanese. 1000 Kanji, at least. Basic to intermediate conversational...
13. Use the phone to call friends you haven't talked too. You miss them. Why do you hesitate?n Certainly your bizarre aversion to interrupting anyone with a phone call has NO FOUNDATION WHAT SO EVER and needs to be eliminated from your current bank of feelings.
14. Spend more time with Miss.
15. Maintain or increase your current health (keep walking, yoga-ing, maintain or better current BMI, etc.)
16. Find two more movies that you adore (an impossible feat, I know)
17. Hugs.
18. Find Jacob Weatherby.
19. Go out more. THIS DOES NOT MEAN SPENDING MONEY. Go out and don't spend money. Contradiction, you say? No-- you're a smart boy, figure it out.
20. Enter at least 3 composition contests
21. More stream of consciousness writing. You get redonk done when you do.
22. Continue on your quest to never grow old. Don't talk about the weather. Don't talk about sports. Don't talk about actors. Spread love, hold hands, make people warm, be insane, don't be afraid to speak it.
23. Listen to more classical music. I know, I know, from the depths of the music school, your secret is: CLASSICAL MUSIC IS BORING I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. Guess what? Find stuff you actually like. Find out WHY you like it. It will help you, I promise.
24. Stop it with the bottled water. I know you fooled yourself into thinking it was okay because you recycled the bottles. YOU'RE BUYING WATER WHEN TAP WATER IS PRETTY MUCH FINE ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU FILTER IT SOUHSPDOFSLDGHSDGS:DLFJS:DGH aka don't support something if you think it's stupid.
25. Don't be afraid to pick up garbage from the ground and throw it away. Why do you get self-conscious about doing this? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You're an idiot. Throw away garbage, even if you have to go back to pick it. You're a better person for going back.
26. Learn 100 things about audio engineering and record them somewhere to keep track.
27. Learn 100 things about composing and record them somewhere.
28. Learn 100 things that are unique to Japanese culture and record them somewhere.
29. Work on building your savings back up to where it was when you're working. You won't get there. But try. Hand-in-hand with that, stop spending money. Period. Set a limit. Stick to it.
30. Keep a check book. Keep close attention to bank accounts, and special attention to all non-cash purchases. Stop being an idiot with money.
31. Stop judging. Doing okay so far, but not the best. Judge youself, you Judgeface.
32. Meditate. Find out what the fuck is going on, srsly.
33. Look at and feed the ducks even though you have an iPod touch (it's a classic actually, but for the sake of the song lyrics...)
34. Learn what it means to actually be hungry.
35. Sing for someone other than Zack. Maybe even MULTIPLE FOLKS???
36. Wear something until it falls apart.
37. Go to the thrift store / stop swimming in my wardrobe as much...?
38. Spread love randomly with 50 anonymous messages.
39. Somehow tell 3 of your heroes that you adore them. Even if they'll never see your message... it never hurts to try.
40. See Sufjan Stevens live, if he'll let you.
41. Doubt is good, but it's not a god. Let it hold hands with hope.
42. Write 10 poems and post them all somewhere.
43. Be more appreciative and receptive of the things that people do for you. No one owes you anything.
44. Learn more about electronic music. Find at least 5 electronic / dance music bands that you like (in addition to the 20 others)
45. Support the art of independent artists, either by attending free local shows or paying for local shows that you really enjoy.
46. Volunteer to do SOMETHING. I know even now you are thinking, "I will NEVER get around to this." Well, that's selfish thinking, you fuck. Do it at LEAST once. Maybe once you, you know, grow a heart, you'll even want to go back.... Take someone with you to make it seem more possible.
47. Start doodling again.
48. Help keep everybody's head up. Things suck, sure. Don't take sides unless you have to, don't judge, help people keep themselves alright. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN until you just die.
49. Get ahead 30 levels in the overly impossible internet puzzle NotPron.
50. Apply for at least 3 scholarships. Who knows, maybe you'll win one...?
51. Make a little comic book
52. Don't organize anything for 3 months. Make yourself crazy on purpose and love it, bitch.
53. Miss and mail both start with 'm'.
54. Find a perfect mantra.
56. Simplify for a week or so sometime when you don't have school. Make life into basic needs. Simple.
57. Make something absolutely horrible on purpose, and love it dearly (and not just because you have to for this challenge)
58. Only use rechargeable batteries.
59. Update livejournal bi-weekly. I don't care with what.
60. Compile a list of 100 things you've lost throughout your life that you wish you had today. Be depressed about it, and invariably become a packrat.
61. Flip a coin to determine a shit ton of my choices when I get stuck and can't decide really inane things.
62. Learn to cook at least 10 meals.
63. Write your philosophy on things sometime...
64. Eliminate the excess from my wardrobe. You have over 9000 shirts you never wear. Donate them.
65. Learn to just GO TO SLEEP.
66. Decorate your things. They're YOURS. Let people know.
67. Participate in at least 25 internet quizzes or journal memes to make yourself completely ill.
68. Organize and hold an artsy night... a party with friends where you just do and share art... and hopefully more of yourself with other people.
69. Have a bitchin' dance party. Food. Music. Lights. Fun.
70. Redefine beauty for yourself-- make it what it should be.
71. Go sledding.
72. Go an entire day without using the letter 'e' in speech or type. Why? Why NOT?
73. Start a community art project that lasts more than a year. Community will be INCREDIBLY LOOSELY DEFINED as at least 2 people.
74. Design a T-shirt, and make it (or get it made).
75. Run a successful D&D game... for once. Please. Damn, boi...
76. Make a game, be it card or video... just complete something. PLEASE. ANYTHING. YOU FUCK. YOU FUUUUCCCKKKKK...
77. Draw on yourself with permanent marker.
78. Be blind for a day.
79. Make up a language and be able to say a few things in it.
80. Beat the first Halo game with friend Mathew. :D
81. Make or be in some kind of video.
82. Do a photo shoot with someone or multiple someones.
83. Write about the magic you come away with from different persons and experiences.
84. Do that yoga routine thing you do daily for at least one month.
85. Beat Baroque o___O NOOOOOOOO (this is your fault Olivia....)
86. Donate to a charity.
87. Vegetarian for a whole two weeks. Just to see how it feels.
88. Stop reading Questionable Content (lolololol)
89. Organize your bodacious digital information mess... into something.... beautiful... *sparkle sparkle... sparkle. Gay.*
90. Drink on your 21st...? What if you didn't and pissed everyone off? AWESOME. (Yeah Zack, you heard me. HAH.)
91. Write terrifying fanfiction.
92. Actually finish a song with Zack.
93. Convert one of those old MIDI songs into a real song.
94. Memorize countries and where they are (find a blank world map to help?)
95. Write a fugue you actually like and are proud of.
96. Proud of your life? And the things that you have done? Proud of yourself, and the loner you've become? They're free to whine, it will not get them far. You do just fine, your car and your guitar. I know you don't have a car, but shut up and listen, okay? You are doing alright. Learn to know it.
97. Beat Final Fantasy VII. And you call yourself a gamer...
98. Write down 1001 things that make you happy!
99. Catalog the things that are yours.
100. Plant a tree. A DOOOOM TREEEEEE (oh god i'm running out of ideas...)
101. Make an instrument... preferably something insane.

So yeah. Cheers, everybody. Good luck with your self-imposed improvements!

goals, mission 101, 101 lists

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