Dec 02, 2008 11:17
When I younger, about 9 or 10, I got a trumpet. I LOVED that trumpet. I learned all the fingerings, even for notes my lips couldn't hit. I've always been a tinkerer, a button pusher, overly inquisitive curious george. I took apart my trumpet one day and shined every piece. The denumant came when I discovered I didn't know how to put it back together. I freaked out, convinced that I destroyed this instrument, and eventually confided in my dad, seeking help.
He calmly took a look at the pistons and discovered a small number imprinted on each one, designating it's place in the corresponding valves. 2 minutes later, everything was fixed.
The lesson I learned from this story was to NOT FREAK OUT and just think about the situation at hand, observe closely, and I could probably get through.
(My sister loves this story) When I was younger than that and we lived in Germany, I used to accompany my sister to cheerleading practice, off the Air Force Base, through the woods, to some place I don't remember too well, a field or something. On the path to this location was a wooden bathroom. One day I used the bathroom, and discovered there was no handle on the inside of the door. Commence freaking out. (Side note - I had a fear of public bathrooms for a LONG time after that.) After being rescued by a jogger who simply opened the door from the outside, my sister helped me discover that the door could be opened from the inside by fiddling with the strike in the door handle hole.
Looking back on that situation - again, DO NOT FREAK OUT. I totally could have figured that out, even at 5 or 6 years old, however old I was at the time.
This morning I totally freaked out and felt completely defeated by my cars ignition. I feel so easily crushed by ANYTHING in my life. I'm a strong person - at times. Looking back on this morning I just want to slap myself 'cuz I didn't assess (asses) the situation and fix it. After a phone call to my Pop, all was well, but I still freaked out. I'll stop saying that now. No more freaking out. I broke down. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where to go, but I've got some great people in my life that can help me out when I break down.
Today is not that bad of a day! It's cold out, more snow coming, but I made it to work, I had a good lunch, I'm gonna take a nap in a few minutes, and no more breaking down.