May 09, 2009 21:31
Out scavenging for metal and electronics again, Roscoe’s having a pretty good day. He found a busted iPod, which will surely be useful, as well as an old laptop sitting in some unidentified goo. Yuck. But he drops it into his dirty old canvas bag to take home anyway.
“Hold on…” a man says to him as he digs through some trash on the curb. “Haven’t I seen you somewhere? Ain’t you that perv in the papers?”
“I am not a pervert,” Roscoe snaps back. Which he isn’t, but he certainly seems like a weird-looking homeless guy by now. He hasn’t shaved in a week, and is still using his telekinesis to put the finishing touches on his transition from Jason to Roscoe, so he hasn’t used his TK to make himself clean-shaven.
“Why would they say so if it wasn’t true?” the man challenges. He believes everything he reads in the newspaper.
“Because everyone in this city is an IDIOT,” comes the testy reply. “I am many things, but a pervert is not one of them.”
“Perv! Perv!” the man taunts him, only to get hit over the head with the gooey laptop. He falls into the trash pile, stunned. “That pervert attacked me! He’s gonna molest me!” he screams to passersby, who stop and stare.
It seems prudent to make a break for it, and Roscoe does, but that doesn’t stop the next day’s headline of Pervert Attacks In Broad Daylight!