Mar 10, 2006 12:15

Ultimate Personal Survey!What is ur full name?:Christopher 'Cris' Keh Wei Chan How old r u?:20 What color is ur hair?:Black How Long is it?:Medium What color r ur eyes?:Dark Brown What's ur ethnicity?:Asian How Tall r u?:5'7" How much do u weigh?:140 Do u have a tattoo?:No Do u have piercings?:Yes What color is ur skin?:Tan What body type r u?:Average What's ur style?:My Own Where do u shop?:Nowhere What brand of shoes do u wear?:Unsure What's ur favorite food?:Sushi What's ur favorite drink?:Bubble Tea What's ur favorite Ice Cream?:Green Tea What's ur favorite chocolate?:White What's ur favorite Candy kind?:Snickers Do you smoke?:No If yes, how many per day?:No Do u smoke weed?:No Do u do E?:No Do u do shroomz?:No Do u drink?:Socially If yes, what's fav type of booze?:Unsure Do u do coke?:No Do u do any other types of drugs?:No R u a virgin?:No If no, when did u lose ur virginity?:Late do u have a b/f...g/f?:No If yes, how long have u been together?:No How is ur relationship status?:No Do u have a crush on someone?:Always Who r they?:Right now, a Crazy Person on YouTube Have u ever cheated?:Yes Have u ever lied?:Yes Have u ever killed someone?:No Have u ever stolen from a family member?:Yes Have u ever stolen from a friend?:No Have u ever stolen from a store?:No Have u ever been arrested?:No If yes, for what?:No Have u ever spent the night in jail?:No If yes, how long and why?:No Do u think ur good looking?:Sometimes Why or why not?:Shut up! What r ur three best features physically?:Asian, tan, hunchback personality wise?:Ranty, Loving, Sensitive List ur three worst qualities:I seek approval too much, I'm narcissistic and I'm bossy at work List ur three best qualities:I always listen to people's problems, I believe in love, I'm not afraid to be affectionate Do u have any pets?:Yes How many and what r their names?:One cat, "Cheetah" Do u have any siblings?:Yes How old and what r their names?:35, Natalie Steiner, 37, Belinda Herzinger R ur parents still living?:One of them Do u live with them?:Yes Do u swear a lot?:No Do u have a good relationship with ur parents?:No R u vain?:Yes R u confident in urself?:Sometimes R u shy?:Yes R u Annoying?:Very R u suicidal?:Definitely Not Why or why not?:Because that's not how I feel R u self conscious?:Very R u intelligent?:Sometimes R u funny?:Looking! R u Witty?:I hope so R u flexible?:Sometimes R u left or right handed?:Right R u a player?:No R u respectful of ur body?:No R u happy with ur life right now?:No If u cud have three things whut wud they be?:I will never tell anyone Why?:Because I said so Wat do u wanna be when ur older?:Younger What's ur dream job?:Record Producer What r ur talents?:I'm good at being expressive R u a good drawer?:No Can u sing good?:Not really, and if so, merely by circumstance Can u dance?:I like to think so Can u act?:I love to act Can u play any sports?:No R u physically fit?:Not really Can u talk in different accents?:Yes How much do u wish u weighed?:130 How tall do u wish u were?:My height Do u wish u looked like a certain celebrity? Who and Why?:No Do u wish u had a different hair or eye color?:No Do u wish u were a different race?:No Were u born in the country u live in now?:Yes What stereo-type r u?:Gay Do u get angered easily?:Not really, more frustrated R u obsessive compulsive?:Yes R u paranoid?:Sometimes R u schizo?:No Do u have a bad attitude?:Yes R u rude?:At times Do u question everything?:Yes Do u talk alot?:Definitely! Wat type of animal do u wish u cud be for a day?:Cat Wud u ever wanna be the opposite sex? Why?:No Are u gay, straight, lesbian, or not sure?:Gay What time is it now?:12:12pm What day is it?:Friday What is the weather like outside?:Cold What is ur current mood right now?:Annoyed What other things than this quiz r u doing right now?:Nothing R u alone?:No Do u masterbate?:When my hormones overtake me Do u watch porn?:When my hormones overtake me Do u like this survey?:Yes Do u think it's too long?:A bit How old do u wanna live to be?:Not sure Will u ever get plastic surgery? IF yes...why?:Yes...but only to look different so I can shock people who can say "You look different after five years!" Do u bite ur nails?:No How often do u shower?:I used to every day, but now I have baths Do u have any bad habits?:Lots Wat school did u go to?:Beaverbrook Did u finish highschool, college or more?:High School If yes, what degrees do u have?:None What do u plan to do with ur education?:Use it to get sex Do u have a lot of friends?:Yes Do u have many close friends:No Do u have a lot of friends of the opposite sex?:Yes Same sex?:Yes Do u like sex?:Of course Do u have sex alot?:Not really Have u had sex with more than one person?:With your mother Do u consider urself kinda slutty or dirty?:No R u horny right now?:No What time did u finish this quiz at?:12:14pm Do u wish there were more questions?:No Take this survey | Find more surveys
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