Time for my yearly update

Dec 09, 2004 23:23

I hope everyone finds this entertaining enough to finish.

As usual many things have originated since my last post, but I won't go into much detail anout my far past.

This semester of school is finally strutting along to a stop. No more "tough" days at school, and what I mean by tough I mean having to get up at around 7:00AM(oh no! lol), and having to stay at school till 6, 7, 8, or 9 PM, varies on the day. Not really that hard, college is just tooo easy, its prolly because of all the damn AP and honor classes in high school which make college life seem so easy, well Fresno State life seem so easy :-p. I'm very glad I overexerted myself in High School, it makes the class overload I have in Fresno a breeze. But anyway, school finally slowing to a halt, just one final project and one final essay to write. I have a very entertaining Music Theory Project where I have to analyze a piece of music, I chose Andante in C by my man Mozart, beautiful piece, and for my English essay, I have to write an essay analyzing my experience and growth throughout the semester, boring...I can still half-ass essays and get A's, which is mighty surprising since I've always found difficulty to perform the same feat in my Junior English class and produce the same outcome, and ESPECIALLY since I didn't perform at all in my Senior English class, so I don't know how to explain this strange outcome. It can't be the grading because I've even noticed the improvement, but I'm not complaining:D.

My music career this semester has really been an entirely new experience. I've always had some form of performance anxiety when it came to performing in small groups raning from 1-7, mostly during moments where I am on the spot and am able to be noticed. Something I thought to try to cure this fear was to actually perform as much as I can, and that I did. I've had approximately 7 performances this year, one more tomorrow, including 2 solos, 5 duets, 3 trios, 1 quintet, and the rest ranging from 7 on up. It actually took my 3rd performance to get rid of my nervousness on stage. I can now perform calmly and musically with my new found settled nervers. I'm really enjoying the performing now. Its such a unique feeling to be able to play a piece in front of an audience. Its as if you're communicating to them through your music. If anyone would like, I have recordings of all the concerts i've performed in, if you'd like to hear a particular piece I've performed, I'd be more then happy to show ya:D.

Eh...I planned on writing a bit more...buce i'm getting rather tired and I still have that project to accomplish...so until next time..
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