Big news day

Jan 13, 2004 08:34

So here I am at Travis Air Force Base covering the Guantanamo interpreter arraignment for my paper. It's not so often that I'm driving to work and hearing about what I'm going to cover on NPR. Very exciting. Except that it isn't. There are a dozen or more reporters, photographers and TV folk here being herded around by the Air Force like the cattle we are. Most of the reporters are at the proceeding right now while us photographers are hanging out in the press filing room surfing the internet (you can't take pictures at the proceeding). There is a closed circuit connection so we can watch, but I don't know if many people are doing that. Let me change that. The proceeding was delayed an hour so now everyone is crammed back in this room.

I already got my picture of Senior Airman Ahmad I. al-Halabi walking into the courtroom so I am more or less done. It was kind of funny because we were all waiting for his car to pull up so we could get the picture. The public information woman told us the exact spot his car would pull up so when a military police car pulled into a slightly different spot she started saying "That's not him. No, this isn't him." Even though the guy looked a little scared and was in handcuffs. I shot pictures of him just in case and just before he got in the door she started saying "No, that's him, sorry. Sorry!" while all the tv people who weren't filming started yelling at her. It makes me very happy that I took picture anyways, so my day is going well.

Right now some big wig Air Force dude is going to talk about military proceeding, though he can't talk about this case specifically. It will be a very helpful interview I'm sure. I don't think I'm going to take pictures of it.

Also, reporters are curmudgeony folk.
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