Sep 07, 2006 14:26
So Gays and Lesbians now have their own chamber of commerce?
When are we gonna just split off and have two countries? A Gay America and an America for Straights.
Hold on, how about a different america for all groups within this country?
Blacks, hispanics, asians, whites, gays, jews, blondes, brunettes, redheads, old, young, middle-aged, bald, people with hairy backs, dog-lovers, cat-lovers.
Why not just separate ourselves completely and admit that we all hate each other? And while we're at it, how about with throw my brother and all the other mentally impared back into institutions where they wait to die and lead miserable lives because we're too busy worrying about advancing ourselves that we forget all about caring for our fellow man or woman regardless of what they believe or how they live.
Come on, people, what happened to caring about each other?
Let's get off our high-horses and learn to love no matter what, even if they kill us for it.
Love, people, not hate. Get over yourselves.