Did anyone actually see what landed in the square? Something came crashing out of the sky, obviously. I heard it, and I think most everyone else should have heard it as well. I wanted to go out and see, but the smoke followed to quickly that I couldn't get a look around before I had to come back indoors. It'd be a wonder to me if anyone saw anything. What sort of ridiculous smoke bomb was it?
This is not normal fog, nor normal smoke, not with this stench and this look to it. It's unbearable, and it's getting into my room--I think it's coming in through the cracks in the doors and under the windowsill. I've even got a handkerchief tied over my mouth and nose, but that does next to nothing. I can still smell it and my eyes are watering all the same. Even the colour of it looks abnormal. But it's not like anything I've quite seen before--It's similar, but not quite--
Kassandra I'm trying to keep in as much clear air as possible. Small as she is, this has to be far worse for her than for me. It's almost like it's made of the odor of onions, perhaps some rotting meat--it's wretched, and I can still smell it through this handkerchief.
[Private || Unhackable]
It's poison. It is undeniably poison, the way it smells, the look of it, and the effects of it. There was a spider outside my window yesterday which has since died. I didn't see it die, unfortunately, or I'd know better what this fog was.
But that it killed the spider makes it likely akin to the toxic fog that I set up for Mikaela's spiders that night. They were poisonous enough to be sensitive to other poisons, even common ones. But what kind of poison is this? A common insecticide? Something rarer? And how concentrated is it? It doesn't have a scent like I've smelled before, and it's far thicker than any similar gasses I've seen. It's more a cloud than just fog or a gas.
No one, so far as I know, has yet died from it. So it must be either more dilute than it seems or more benign than the smell would suggest.
Knowing the 'deities', if there's a way to torment us, they'll do it. They may have added the scent to this stuff just to bother us further, and they may have made it seem thicker to confuse us. It would easy enough to put the poison in some other substance--something that would dilute it or affect it, some other method of deliver. I wouldn't put it at all past them. They'd likely be amused by it.
But if this stuff is a poison, what is it for? It killed the spider at my window, so it's likely killing most of the other insects in the City. Kassandra had fleas, and so did Poe I think. There have been other stories of fleas, and ticks too, on the Network. Is the infestation that bad? Were there other insects as well? Is that what this is, an insecticide?
If that's so, it could be dilute enough to kill the insects without harming the larger creatures in the City--at least, those that aren't so sensitive to poisons. But it doesn't look so dilute, nor smell so dilute. And the stuff I set out for Mikaela and her 'friends' was far paler than this--it had to be, and I still needed to cover my face as quick as I could after.
I'd need to know how bad the fleas really were before I jump to that conclusion. But it does seem possible. The 'deities' wouldn't want to kill us all with this insecticide--if that is what it is--would they? It's doubtful, but I'll be keeping this rag over my face for the day.
[//end private filter]
I have my suspicions about what this fog really is. It isn't ordinary fog, or even what passes for 'ordinary' fog in the City, when shadows appear and entire structures are built overnight.
I would very strongly recommend keeping out of this stuff until it clears--and it will have to clear eventually. Or, failing that, wear a handkerchief or a scarf at least. It can't be good to breathe in, not the way it smells, and not the way it looks. I think it may very well be poisonous.
It's the doing of the 'deities', and we all know they're not to be trusted.
[ooc: If anyone happens to see Cain today, yes, he will have a handkerchief or a scarf tied over his mouth and nose. Possibly with a little peppermint or vanilla or something on it to keep the smell down. It's the best one can do, really. Also, because it came up in the kink meme, I now I have a
Twitter for Cain. What is wrong with me? (Tweets there might not have anything to do with Poly, and it's just for lulz anyway :3)]