Mar 01, 2009 12:02
I would have expected most everyone know that when something like living dinosaurs arrive in the City, even ostensibly penned and caged, things will not end well. Even when the City goes dark for a day and we're given a celebration, we all greet it warily. I remember when the carnival and amusements appeared in Xanadu: everyone was expecting it to end badly. And it was fortunate that it didn't, but no one expected that. Or else the time when most of the City was put on a sinking ship--and almost everyone expected that to end happily, which was impossible. The City--or the 'deities', rather, do nothing except things which will end badly. If we believe what we've decided about the curses, that they're designed to cause misery, how could one expect otherwise?
So why anyone, or nearly everyone, would think that an exhibit of those beasts would be perfectly safe is beyond my understanding.
But it does no good to say so to the Network.
At least it's March now and the weather ought to be improving in a few weeks. Spring seemed to come sooner here last year than I was used to in my world--or my part of the world, rather.
It's such a catchall expression to say 'my world' when one means just a small part of that world. In my world, the entire world, there are some places where it's like summer throughout the year, and others where it's like winter throughout the year. And my part of it fell in the middle, though cooler than the City tends to be--and, yes, I'm quite aware than in the past summer has struck the City in winter and winter has struck in summer.
Still, we've crossed that marker between February and March, and for all the March is often full of storms, it does mean that winter is coming to an end. And I think I might be glad of it.
Some of what I'm tired of these days are just grey city blocks. I've always preferred town life to country life, and I never fled town for the winter and hunting like so many did. But even I like a change of scenery now and then. I accepted invitations constantly to that house or that lodge for a week-end, a week, or a summer. I did like the countryside, if there was something interesting in it--say, a supposed 'sleeping beauty', for example.
There's nothing like the countryside here. It's either the City or it's the Wilderness beyond it. And, yes, the City is very entertaining, and the curses would probably be a problem for anyone trying to get out of town, but I still wonder if there's any chance for a bit of a change of view anyway. I couldn't survive in the Wilderness, but if it ever warms up, there is the seashore, I suppose.
I think that's some of the torment of this place, to keep us well and truly trapped in the City proper.
I should find some way to amuse myself.
[ooc: Not going to mention his attack of Pride on Mardi Gras, nope, nope. Feel free to give him hell for it, though. He's going to be going poison shopping soon, thanks to having provided some poison to someone recently. Also, am trying to keep his tl;dr under control. Doing my best?]