Dec 19, 2008 11:18
[Voice Post Begins]
((The sounds of the City, footsteps, voices... A set of those footsteps seem to be approaching. A voice...perhaps familiar:))
She'll never forgive me, Riff. Not after this. It's no place for her to go and yet she still--
((Familiar-yet-unfamiliar street is--you get the idea. Give him a moment.))
Impossible. It was all a dream.
The carousel--was it never a dream--? Was it real--?
((Whirl of footsteps.))
((A long pause. No Riff.
O hai thar, handy City-provided Network device by his feet. His voice draws nearer as be picks it up. A long pause as he scrolls through the Network a moment.))
The damnable Network and all. And the curses too, I suppose.
... ... ...
So I've been brought back, and the same way as the first time, simply by turning a corner.
Well, it's still winter, and still Christmastime. How long was I gone? It can't have been for a year's worth of time in the City. Time moves slower here, if anything.
Two weeks of a holiday at home and here I am again. Nothing's changed.
((Another brief pause, then more brightly:))
Save for the snow that seems to have started.
Princess, I don't suppose you've still room for me at the opera house.
[//Voice Post Ends]
[ooc: He's back. He's so back, he's so 17 again, he so remembers you all, he's so not really happy to be here even if he'll be secretly glad to see his friends again, but he's so back. Damn I have missed posting with him! Action post if you want, otherwise typical Network post. He's back at the carousel, a couple of boxes at his feet, and quite fortunately wearing his heavy topcoat |D.]