(no subject)

Oct 02, 2004 15:30

it is 3:30 p.m.

i haven't done anything today (except go for a particularly unpleasant jog) because i'm suffering from a hangover.

i had enough of the old liquid courage in me last night to chat it up with two women who were sitting at the bar. one was hungarian (and relatively cute), the other was venezuelan (and hot). they were eventually whisked away by some friend of theirs--a guy with a european accent wearing a blazer (of course). i wasn't getting anywhere anyways. enough liquid courage is a good thing, but too much makes the old charm factory shut down.

at one point in the evening, i noticed that someone had left a full cosmo sitting on the floor next to my chair. my friend cajoled me into drinking it. fortunately, nobody ever came back to claim the drink.

a few hours ago, this same friend called me to apologize for ditching me without saying goodbye. which is funny because i actually said goodbye to him before leaving at around 1:40 a.m. i guess he was more drunk than i was.

a few minutes ago, i got a call about going out tonight. last night was a guys' night out; today, it'll be me and the ladies. i just have to remember, no matter what my drunken brain tells me, finishing the evening with one last manhattan* is not a good idea.

i am becoming a wreck of a human being--cool for rock stars, bad for regular folks, par for the course for grad students**.

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* - is it charlie watts who called the manhattan a drink for alcoholics, by alcoholics? in any case, it's become my drink of choice.

** - this "regular" folks vs. grad students distinction is not an elitist one. i'm not trying to imply grad students are somehow above the riff-raff, just that there's something very peculiar about the grad student lifestyle.
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