Sometimes I hate my nose

Nov 19, 2012 21:30

There's a new guy who's moved into the room next to mine, which means that the crazy idiot that used to be there has moved out. But that means that somebody else is now being bothered by my snoring.

So here is the text of a note that was passed under my door at the end of last week.Sorry to complain -- I know you can't help it, but I've been woken up twice this week by your snoring, even after moving my bed away from the wall.

Please could you move your bed away from the wall, and/or try using some snore relief?

Sorry to be a pain, but I work hard so rely on a good sleep!
Now, I'm sure you'll agree that this note was respectful and polite, unlike the ridiculous nonsense one of his predecessors came out with. So I've just knocked on his door and had a chat with him. I apologised for my nocturnal noise-making and said to him that I'm going to try wearing nose strips for a few days. We smiled and shook hands and things were very friendly.

Politeness and respect, making things much more pleasant there. Who'd have thought, eh?
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