Writer's Block: Best. Concert. Ever.

Jan 19, 2008 07:44

That's a hard one. I think I'm going to say GRIMMS, because it is the only time I have seen a band forced to do a third encore they obviously hadn't planned. The house lights were up but the audience went on cheering and simply refused to leave the theater, so after about five minutes the band came back on wearing their street clothes and did a rampaging version of Humanoid Boogie.

The line up of GRIMMS changed from time to time, but originally I think it was Gorman Roberts Innes McGough McGear and Stanshall. McGough is a well known poet, McGear is Paul McCartney's brother, Innes was the lead minstrel in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Stanshall did the voice over at the end of side one of Tubular Bells. In other words, they were a very eclectic group. They presented a brilliant mix of music, poetry and comedy.

what do you have to say?, best concert, hpmusic2, writer's block

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