I've been sleeping during the evening again, so now I'm somewhat hyper, therefore I thought I'd give the whole LJ thing another try. First things first, a bit about my changed ciurcumstances. I'm now no longer a student ( I sat my last exam in June and ended up with a 2.2. BA degree in International History aqnd Politics, this means that, rather aginst my will I am now no longer a student ( the university wouldn't let me go on to an MA unless I got a 2.1. or better). As a consequence of this, I've got an appointment with the bank tomrrow which promises to be a bundle of laughs, oh well, you just get used to things never turning out like you had wanted.
In other news, I'm stealing this meme from ljuser equals
8footwookie and if you don't read his lj by now, you should, he's the seinfeld of livejournal. These combinations made me laugh, though I'mn not happy with any of the actors playing me, if given the choice I think I'd like to be played by ice cube.
Mister_t2 in The Uncool Way to StabIn this non-stop bloodbath,
Mister_t2 (Tim Allen) is a shady hitman with a really nice holiday house. He must get to
sneaked_curoo (Andie MacDowell) before his former partner,
8footwookie (Colin Firth), blackmails her. Imagining that this plight is reversible, he forces his way into a subterranean stronghold. The Uncool Way to Stab promises not to be just another movie where people get kicked in the face. It fails to live up to that promise.
Mister_t2 in Class of the Year
Mister_t2 (Tobey Maguire) has no one to blame but himself, and he knows it. Because of his less-than-sterling school record, his lack of schoolyard weaponry is being picked on, and
deadly_reg, his friend from detention (Tom Felton), is lobbying against the necessity of clothing.
sneaked_curoo (Hilary Duff) wishes for all the suspicion that is focused on her, although many of the cast and crew were injured during both takes.
I've been having a lot of violent dreams lately, which worries me: I feel no need to resort to violent solution IRL so why is it my first instinct in dreams? Despite this I was impressed at my efficient subduing of a burglar using the flat of a fire axe, I clearly have mad crimefighting instincts. I may return to the unsettling subhject of my nocturnal imgainings later unless who ever reads this is sick of it already.
Today I watched the british film, Yasmin
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420333/ it was really eye-opening and incredibly well-observed. Jason, if possible find a copy of this film, you will really appreciate it.
Also, my friend kitton is on holiday in europe and is being blogged about by the kittonette at
http://www.europeanjaunt.blogspot.com, another friend of mine tdt is also blogging / holidaying but I can't remember the site name.
As a final note, Lynne Cheney's lesbian romp sisters is now worth $250 a copy thanks to its notoriety and the author's disavowal of it. If only I had 250 bucks...
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0451112040/qid=1123811125/sr=8-10/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl14/002-5024734-9124019?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Hopefully will update again soon.