Nov 12, 2004 10:28
• Knight: A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire
• Armor: A defensive covering, as of metal, wood, or leather, worn to protect the body against weapons
• Siege: The surrounding and blockading of a city, town, or fortress by an army attempting to capture it
• Catapult: A military machine for hurling missiles, such as large stones or spears, used in ancient and medieval times
• Siege Tower: a specialized siege engine, constructed to protect assailants and ladders whilst approaching the defensive walls of a fortification. The tower was often rectangular with four wheels.
• Crossbow: A weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile
• Rampart: A fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a parapet built on top
• Greek Fire: An incendiary preparation first used by the Byzantine Greeks to set fire to enemy ships
• Sapper: A military engineer who specializes in sapping and other field fortification activities
• Epaulets: A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms
• Hauberk: A long tunic made of chain mail
• Battering ram: A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors
• Saracen: A member of a pre-Islamic nomadic people of the Syrian-Arabian deserts