I'm livin' the life you wish you had.

May 06, 2005 00:09

"I'm livin' the life you wish you had."

Years ago, it wasn't true at all. I was miserable and had no self esteem, but now she's gone. haha. I spent my time in Hell and now I'm reaping some sort of fool's reward for putting up with it for so long.

"I'm livin' the life you wish you had."

I saw that phrase on a biker shirt once, and I've adopted it, because it's true. I won't say I lead a charmed life, by any means at all. There are days when the world kicks my ass and leaves me beaten, but the next day is always a new one. I don't hate my job or my boss. My job and boss are pretty cool, actually. I basically do what I want. I've been lucky. So lucky. I've been travelling; I plan to do more, bigger trips, more exotic locations. I've met sooo many amazing and interesting people. I'm never, ever bored. I don't waste my days away playing video games or watching TV. I don't drink heavily or partake in drugs because my life is such crap I need to forget it and escape it. Though, I do drink in moderation and go on the occassional binge, but on my own terms and with no ulterior motives - what happens happens. I don't have to slam anyone else to make me feel better about myself, because I could not possibly feel better about myself. I go out and experience beautiful days and do interesting, exciting, fun, and entertaining things. I've accomplished a lot, more than most people my age (but not as much as I'd like). I don't have to compare myself to or emulate anyone famous or more successful, because I freakin' love who I am (the outfit is just a comfort and style thing, and EVERYONE used to dress like that, so shut the Hell up. lol). I'm really one hell of a happy guy. You know why? I'm one hell of a happy guy because I have NO expectations of anyone, anything, or any situation. Anything bad that happens, just happens, as it will. Anything good that happens, is a bonus.

When you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you
And when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'
The sun comes shinin' through

But when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain
So stop your frownin'....be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you

Oh when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you
Ah when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'
The sun comes shinin' through

Now when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain
So stop that sighin'....be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'....just keep on smilin'
And the whole world gonna smile with

The great big world will smile with...

The whole wide world ...will smile with you!

Chew on that, you bitter, mopey mutherfuckahs. ;) I kid. I'm a kidder.
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