I recently took home a box of aged but sturdy VHS cassettes from my parents' house; the greatest of them all has the triple-feature of Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Muppets Take Manhattan dubbed off a CBS Fox rental cassette (complete with FBI warning for context), and one of my personal 1985 guest-shots on the Ramblin' Rod show. Nearly anyone who
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How's your "Friday the 13th" project coming along?
Also, I was at the Hawthorne Fred Meyer last night (because my friends dragged me to Me and my Other Tenth-Grade Friends Playing Emo Rock at the Hawthorne Theater last night, and I decided to wander around the produce aisle talking to my friend for a half an hour instead) and I saw the horrific babies of the previous post. Also a similar mylar-covered easter basket with a dinosaur in it. A dinosaur...OF CHRIST'S LOVE.
6 is fun. I like the Sartre, the "So what WERE you gonna be when you grew up?," and Jason staring quizzically at the paintball dude's severed arm. I also like that Tommy is able to put a 300-pound boulder in a weak little rowboat and just paddle out into Crystal Lake with no consequences. "it's kind of less satisfying to laugh at something that's actually trying to be funny." -- God, just wait till you get to Jason X.
5 is hilariously tasteless and stupid. Lots of cocaine, trashy waitresses who flash themselves in mirrors for no discernible reason, New Wave Violet getting stabbed while dancing the robot, dumbass Junior, Dudley from "Diff'rent Strokes" chasing Jason through a rainstorm in a tractor, the famous outhouse sing-along, and best of all, a killer who, for some reason, keeps a picture of himself in his wallet.
Then I watched all the other Friday flicks within a couple months. Lucky for me, this was before "Jason X" and "Freddy Vs. Jason" existed. And the new remake, of course, but that one's surprisingly cool.
and also that, at the end, they implied that Tommy had gone crazy and then TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT in part 6. (And also at the end of part 4, now that I think about it.) I love that kind of insane unevenness.
What did you think of the one where Jason takes Manhattan? What is, that, part 8? I remember seeing a bit of it on TV when I was about fifteen--on G4, of course--in which a girl tries to seduce her bio teacher so she can get an A. Cut to Jason stomping ominously around.
8 is pretty stupid and about 45 minutes too long. It also has the most retarded "Jason death" out of the whole series, which is saying a lot. Manhattan itself doesn't play a part until the final sixth of the movie, and then Jason makes it to the Big Apple by swimming there, even though he died in Part I because he couldn't swim. He's essentially a superhuman zombie starting in 6, and okay, I can buy that, but they reeeeally stretch it in Part 8. I'll let you be surprised by the rest of its dumbness.
Just don't read past 6 if you still wanna be fresh to the totally logical twists still ahead.
And of course once I'm done I'll feel compelled to do Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and all the terrible TCSM sequels and remakes--which will certainly be the worst because the first movie was actually legitimately good.
also, I have been listening to this all freaking afternoon:
a lot could probably be said about the evolution of the Friday the 13th theme from movie to movie.
COULD be said. Doesn't necessarily have to.
You might wanna watch the first Nightmare and then Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge because that one is just about the gayest movie ever filmed. As for Halloween, I'd stick to parts I, II, and H20. The Rob Zombie remake is obnoxious as hell and inspired me to make this with friends:
You've got it in your house, don't wait another second.
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