There's this crazy old man under my window with a bicycle, and he's screaming about Obama in a cracked, anxious voice. "I DON'T WANT ANOTHER DEAD PRESIDENT, DO YOU GUYS? WELL YOU MUST IF YER VOTIN' FOR BA-CROCK OBAMA! HE'S BA-CROCK OBAMA BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKIN' CROCK JUST LIKE THE REST!!! BA-CROCK OBAMA!!!" Complete with the bicycle, he's a dead ringer for Crazy Ralph from the first two Friday the 13th movies. Predictably, Halloween on Hawthorne is pretty much like every other day on Hawthorne. Yesterday SassPants and I walked down the street for Mexican food and were blown past by a group of hippies on their wacky tall bikes wearing undead zombie makeup, and it wasn't even Halloween yet.
Right now I'm just watchin' Night of the Demons and looking for old posts with my past Halloween costumes in 'em. For some reason they've never been gory, which I really should work on.
1998: Dr. Strangelove
1999: Heather from The Blair Witch Project
2001: Mr. Furley (in the Iconic Video Store's acclaimed porno room)
2003: Judd Nelson
2004: Mariachi Hombre who grabbed a sombrero out of his friends' hall closet two minutes before leaving for a party
2005: Mark Mothersbaugh
2006: Wayne Coyne
2007: Florida State's Beloved, First-Amendment-Upholding "Don't Tase Me, Bro" Guy
2008: Still workin' on it, but Slater:
What are all of you dressing as? What were your best Halloween costumes ever? What's everyone doin' tonight?