Aug 22, 2005 19:29
Step 1: Go to an anime forum.
Step 2: Register a user name such as "Shikura_Demasu" or "Akira_Toya".
Step 3: Make a newbie post that includes a hint of engrish and grammatical mistakes.
"hello! i am from japan and i am japanies and i speak japanies! i like anime and i like to speak english language! i hope to enjoy my stay here! =^o^="
Step 4: Sit back and watch as you're bombarded with peple saying shit to you in broken japanese and people arguing over whether or not you really are from Japan (or people claiming that they're half japanese and half german/french/white).
Step 5: Laugh as people argue and say random "kawaii baka neko" shit.
Step 6: Thread lock and the admin/mods saying something along the lines of "I hate america. America hates foreigners. Why can't americans be nice to foreigners. I thought we had a chance here :(."
I'll post results of how it turned out later if I have nothing else to do.