fren's Fave Fics For The Leo-Obsessed Soul...

Jun 06, 2007 00:14

i can't sleep ;_;. it's a school night and i have work tomorrow. HWERE THE FCKU ARE MY SLEEPIUNG PILSS?!?!?! so, awaiting the Sandman, i have composed a list of....

-All My Favorite Leo-Writing Authors-

-DEFINITELY a must-see if you are a true Leo fan. The Leo-favoritism is totally there, but not in sickening proportions. It's obvious, but not overbearing. And her fight scenes ROCK. So, yes. I am very fond of this author's work *pets*. I even bought a book recommended by her she's so good. She doesn't even know me. I am a freak. And her constant shadow of gore is a total BONUS. Woo!

-I love this author. I really do <3. Her writing is more emotionally intense than anything and always yanks at my feelings and it's like I've never felt before reading her stuff ^///^. Oh, gosh, o gosh!!! It's like I'm having a relationship with her fics, I swear. And HELL if they ain't puttin' out for me XD. ANY Leo fan, or even TMNT fan, should GO TO HER JOURNAL RITE NOW EEEEEEEEE.

-Yet another Leo-favoritist (and isn't that just what we LOVE X333!!). So far, her works revolve around angst tentacle-raping Leo like a mother fucker (and isn't that just we LOVE to love X333!!) and are definitely for the Leo-obsessed soul.

-Shows her Leo-lovin' colors in awesome sparks throughout her writing, but her stories moreso shed light on the warm, fuzzy "family" theme of TMNT. Still, fuck if it ain't good stuff, right? And this isn't the "pretty good" stuff you find and like just cuz it features your fave character. This is top-quality writing here, folks. CHECK HER OUT. You won't regret it :D.

-Actually, she seems to be more in the Don-mood lately (damn you, Donny!!!).... But she claimed on her FF.Net profile that she'd write anything, pretty much! And...I'm still eyein' her for more Leo-goods because, seriously...when she writes, she DELIVERS. And when she delivers the Leo-goods.... O.R.G.A.S.M.

And also....

-All My Favorite Leo-centric Fics Not By The Authors Above-

A Lesson In Humility by The Burninator Named Trogdor
Another oneshot. My first attempt to be lighthearted. Raph, Mikey, Don, and Leo catch up on events that happened in the Battle Nexus.
-Really cute <3. Features (briefly!) worried brothers, a (briefly!mischievous) happy Leo, and incorporates actual quotes from the 2003 cartoon series well into the text. Very warm and fuzzy!

The Doorknob by Pi90katana
My second anniversary oneshot. They've been trapped in a cell. Leo's watched all of his family die taken away from him one by one. Death has hurt him, but it's something he longs for by now. And it's something that happens every time the doorknob turns.
-I liked it. It's hard talking about it without saying too much since it's a one-shot, but...but.... Um, it's a good roll of angst with suspense and in the end, we find out just how intense Leo's love for his family is, highlighted further by the chilling theme.

Why I Don't Believe In Angels by starry-oblivion
In this short one shot story, Leonardo narrates an incident that led him to believe that angels do not exist.
-Warning: features OriginalCharacter. But don't let THAT scare you off! I was a bit iffy, also (and i'm SO anti-OC...honestly.), but I was really impressed by how much she didn't bother me. The whole thing was kinda cute. And...Leo's reactions to events and his attachment and strong feelings thereafter.... So Leo. Total Leo. Definitely worth a peek.

Questioning myself by Jerico Cacaw
Leonardo lies. A lot.
-This one.... I dunno. It hit me somehow. The storytelling and stuff was all actually quite simple. I think it was the concept that did it. Because we all see Leo as a true and total boy scout, right? If angsty and somewhat arrogant, but still.... A lying Leo.... I can't put into words what that does to me.

Misadventures by Serendipity1
Misadventures in Maliciously Misattributed Medication' On a routine training mission, Leonardo finds himself on the wrong end of yet another dart, and hijinks ensue. Also, Raphael is a jerk. Bad feng shui and spices enclosed. Concrit well received.
-XDXDXD S-SO CRACKED OUT. It's not even really a Leo fic, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It had me laughing out loud at some points and bursting into laughter randomly days later.... O, gosh, o gosh.... Total humor. Total CRACK. Total ultimate AWESOME. Plus, it's definitely not a bad move to check out the author's other fics, too.

The Taste of Alcohol by MidnightHeir
They were trying to help, to have everything ready for Don. Shame they missed a trick. Fic challenge A serious tale with a drunk Leonardo.
-Cute. Eeheehee<3. And it had a drunk Leo. And Casey-Leo interaction (as minuscule and insignificant it was to the plot XD;;). And, yeah, when it comes to obsessions, that's all that matters.

No other hobby than Ninjutsu by Jerico Cacaw
For those who believe Leo’s only hobby is Ninjitsu, or training. Not a song fic, but some songs are mentioned. This only shows how slightly insane I am.
-Criticisms on this include grammar and spelling errors, etc.... But I ended up liking it. It's a Leo-fic with an original concept, so, yeah, I totally ate it all up XD!

leonardo, fanfiction, tmnt

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