a frenly update the SAAAAAAAHD.

Jul 12, 2008 09:35

Whew. Someone's been unproductive, lately. Name starts with an "f" and ends in an "n". Fuugarukiboutan! *gets smacked* Sorry. Outburst caused by lack of sleep and food. Like...lack of both sleep and food, not lack of sleep and just 'food' also. >_>


In Fatuated got some popularity, so fren is happy about that <3. The goal was for it to be short, simple, and smile-quirking. So, I think it did alright in those respects. Wrote it a while ago, so I'm not sure about it enough to re-read it nowadays, but I know that back then, I didn't think it was too bad, so I guess it deserves a fresh peek.

Wearing Jeans was a joy to finally release! I was worried about people not liking the rare-ish combo of top!Don and bottom!Raph, but it really seemed to stroke a lot of turtlecesters the right way. Let the Don/Raph spread! Mwahahaha! However, Wearing Jeans is, unfortunately, one o' those fics where I didn't feel too strong about in the beginning. Thought it was too wordy with not enough passion.... But, hey, others liked it. Aaaand, it is fren's debut fic on ADULTfanfiction.net. w00t!

Fiction Tangible is the Shia-fic I was working on mentioned in the last frenly update. Yay, Shia! Go, go, go~! Hooray, Shia-fics! It turned out to be Shia-slash, but I'm not so sure that what I want it to be, anymore.... But the first chapter was already posted on both shiaslash and Shia Forum. It received positive feedback at both places, but I just can't find the inspiration to work with it anymore =___=;;;. Uuupz. Though, it did give someone on ShiaSlash fanart ideas (yay <3), and it was the first-ever slash fic to ever be posted on Shia Forum. A lot of people on the forum said it was "different", lol. So that kinda fuels my writing spirit.

Being With...is my favorite at the mo <3. I feel like it's my strongest work right now; I can read it from beginning to end with barely a flinch. AND I HAD SHIA LABEOUFSHOT. OMG. AND THERE WAS THE MENTION OF BLOOD. AND KEANU REEVES WAS ALL ANGSTY OVER IT. EEK, RITE <3 <3 <3? So, because I feel really proud of this one, the positive reviews/comments were especially powerful for me. Gosh, if only I could write like that all the time.... A slight no-no on my part, tho: when I posted on Shia Forum, I forgot to mention that it was a one-shot. So, everyone who replied to the thread was like, "keep going" and I had to explain that...there was nothing more to go on. ^^;;;

Unless I wanted it to end up like all my other ditched multi-chaptered WIPs. SPEAKING OF WHICH...

Thanks to TempAlly, Grow, and Fiction Tangible, I have decided that never again will fren post a multi-chaptered fic unless it's completely finished. That's the way I did it when I first started the fanfiction trade, anyway, and that strategy worked out so much more better for me. I only wanted to try out the write-one-chapter-and-then-post-and-then-write-another-chapter-then-post thing for TempAlly, but then it became a habit :/. So, ja. No more of that nonsense. ...Uh, but I'll still be finishing those fics. Or trying to. Pretty much.

I have also just finished updating my ZoLeSa and ZuToSo OT3 drabble tables~. I feel like ZuToSo is doing a lot better than ZoLeSa.... All of the ZoLeSa drabbles, when I attempt to read over them again, seem really half-hearted the second time around. And while the ZuToSo drabbles are far from perfect, they at least have some length and content and a more obvious point to them. I'll need to do something about the ZoLeSa ones....

WIP-wise, I'm basically just jumping around thanks to that new vow I made about the not posting multi-chaptered fics unless finished. That's how I somehow managed Being With <3.

So, ja. We got some Shia, a whole (uninspired) bunch of Leo, and a few dwindling Lupin ones. In the mix are also my old Yuri/Tidus fic, some ZoLeSa non-table fics, and of course others.

But, anyway, this update has droned on for about long enough, I reckon.



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