Jun 04, 2008 15:34

Well, the greatest thing has happened to me today.

So, any poor chums who've been paying the slightest bit of attention towards my LJ would notice that I'm in kind of a frenzy for Shia Labeouf. I creepily daydream about him, been using up my nights watching all his movies and just clips of him, joined a Shia-forum even though I hate the fuck out of forums, and---MOST OF ALL---I've been writing fanfiction about him.

(No...not that OC-shit, where there's a girl and Shia falls in love with her.... omg, tho, that Shia-forum i joined has NOTHING else >___>;;;.)

Anyway, since FF.Net doesn't have its own categories for real people to write fanfics on, I thought I'd just have to settle with posting the fic on my journal. Where it would lay in stagnation, forgotten and unread.


A post in
beexsam said:


I'm simarillion and I am the maintainer of a newly created Shia fanfiction community. It will be the home of all slashy art and fiction focusing on Shia Labeouf or his characters.

Please feel free to join and participate with your art, your stories, or your comments on the featured works.

Hope to see you soon!
( Source.)

...Oh, yeah. Not only is that a direct quote, but it's a direct copy 'n' paste. With a source!!! I don't play around, son. I don't fucking play around.

So, anyway, I'm screaming and laughing and creaming myself, and jumping up and down, and still screaming---and my sister's laughing and clapping her hands even though she's not even into this kind of stuff, but the joy is just THAT fucking infectious.

Now, it should be noted that before I started barraging myself through walls, I had clicked on the picture link.
Anyone here with a registered LJ b-day of under 18 who clicked on the picture link? Notice anything?

I'll fill ya in.

Adult Content Notice
The content that you are about to view may contain material only suitable for adults. You must be at least 18 years of age to view this.

...Now, those of you who are 18 or older may not recognize this.

This is what shows up when persons of an I-am-under-18 click on something labeled as "Explicit Adult Content".


Now, I could be the "scout" type. After all, I did stupidly register on LJ with my real birthday. But it never really bothered me that I missed out on the half the things in my favorite communities. Most of them good stuff, and a lot of them not even at all that explicit.

I'm just grateful that they don't make it a requirement in the rules to make the adult content as such.

But...when they make an ENTIRE COMMUNITY for adults only, when SLASH isn't necessarily ADULT.... THAT'S when the minors start gettin' a bit ticked off about being treated "unfairly". Sure, sure, the laws, the LAWS! Minors shouldn't be into that kind of stuff---period.

Well...that's not realistic. And it's actually quite insulting.

Especially when we see labels such as "Mature Audiences Only".

Especially when you think about minors today.

The reason for these laws, I understand, is to protect us. Protect us from...adult things. From drugs, from icky situations, from sex, from problems we shouldn't be dealing with, from images we shouldn't have to see, FROM THINGS THAT WE PRACTICALLY SWIM IN ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS. Some of us have been DROWNING in it all our lives!

So, please. Give us some credit.

The worst things out there are the ones that age rules can't protect us from.

And let's go back to the "GAY = ADULT" concept that people seem to have ingrained into their heads. A male and a female are making out. A PG rating. Maybe even PG-13, but that's laughable. Now we pan over to a female and a female making out. Suddenly, it's a sexual thing that little kiddies (MINORS) shouldn't be seeing.

And, okay, I'll accept that it isn't accepted. That it isn't seen as natural, and that it's seen as a sexual deviation. But...maybe it's not normal because we keep labeling it as such. Because audiences are that sensitive, I guess.
And that's why we have communities like
shiaslash locking out a full age group of Shia fans because they believe that GAY = ADULT ONLY. Not taking into account that some of us are---GASP!---of the "happy" sort.

This probably sounds incredibly stupid and immature to 18+ people.

Maybe I'll understand when I'm older. Maybe I won't care because I'll be 18 years old and I'll be able to view whatever the fuck I want.

So, the point of this is...ranting. Basically.

I turn 18, soon, so I guess that'll make me one of the "converted". But at least I'll have this entry to remind myself about what it was like. Screw age. It's useless. It doesn't even tell people how old you are, anymore.

I want to remember at least this much.


what sucks, shia labeouf

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