speaking of old friends....

Nov 22, 2007 00:41

dear journal,

o gosh. it was such a long day at work today >___<;;!! uh, but...not like "long" as in "bad". just...everlasting. perennial? sure. i was like "FAHK".

i was in the middle of making a beef rice bowl, so i had to hurry up and get the chicken rice bowl out there. and...my eyes are fucking up SO bad that when people are just a little bit away, i can barely make out their faces. so i don't look at people anymore cuz it makes my eyes hurt ^^;;....

but anyway, cuz i didn't focus, i just poured the teriyaki sauce on the chicken, shook on the sesame seeds, 'n' lidded it before grabbing a bag to put it all in with the plastic fork. all my peripheral vision picked up was that there was a young couple cupcaking not too far from the counter.

me: *looking down at order* "Chicken rice bowl?"
guy: *comes up to counter*
me: *looks up*

and there he was. older, without the pudge i remember. Harison.

Harison: : ) "'Sup, Michelle."
me: : ) "...Hey."

fuck. FUCK. how fucking long has it been since i've been called "Michelle" by a familiar face that i'm not related to and NOT be bothered by it?

i dunno.

after that, i started some serious reminiscing (which is bad. especially at a work-place where you gotta keep on your toes. cuz i'm already too much of a reflective person >0<;; ). the one day that came to mind was when i was, like, 9 years old or something.... so that means he was 11 or something.

i slept over his and his sister's house (Kyndal was 10). to keep the whole "appropriateness" bullshit cool, we just said i was sleeping over for Kyndal. but really, it was so me 'n' him could play Super Smash Brothers together XDXD. bwahaha. i remember i woke up and he was there, waiting for me, while playing around with their pet bunny. and he said i'd twitching in my sleep XP. ...anyway, we went out into their upstairs living room and i did something sleepily and he laughed. and then i slid over the top of the couch to the seat cushion and he laughed. and then we played.

i remember he'd be Link 'n' i'd be Pikachu. and i remember this one time, we were up against Captain Falcon who we set to Level 9 (highest level, oooo hard-core XDXD!!). it was something we always did, but that time Captain Falcon was kinda raping me. so cue Link charging forward to kick his ass the hell away from Pikachu.

Harison: "Leave my friend alone!!" XP

that was, at the time i thought, really sweet. even now i think so. i'm kind of a reserved person, so when i see people putting their emotions out on full display, it totally wins me over for the day, wahaha XD.

this also reminds me of another time in the younger-children-years when Prrtrrsha (same age as Harison) was nagging me about how i should be more "girlish" (FUCK gender stereotypes is what i say XP). and then she said something about how she wanted to trade me for Kyndal (Harison's little sister, year younger than them, year older than me).

Harison: "...That'd be cool." :D
all: XDXD


the encounter also got me thinking about Emily, charming and outgoing Emily, would've totally piped up and struck convo with him XD. but...i'm too ridiculous for that, i guess, lol. just seeing his face again made me freeze up.

i was the same way around Ryan (next door neighbor, used to be best friend when we were in elementary school) when we got our first class in high school together in my Junior year: AWKWARD. XDXD o gosh! i'm so not cool. but now we barely notice each other (we got Adulthood 101 together this semester in our Senior year, and the second semester in my Junior year we had US History together, bwahaha XD).

i always freak out about the possibility of seeing faces from my past. like something BAD'S gonna happen. but...it always turns out fine XD. i need to just chill one o' these days.... now that i think about it, i dunno WHY i think something bad'll happen. it's totally illogical.... huh. so, WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO REALIZE THIS, EH?!?!

i guess, in the end, what i'm most happy about is that i wasn't having a "i just fucked everything up" moment at work when Harry-Larry (nickname we somehow dubbed in in childhood) visited.


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