(no subject)

Aug 05, 2012 06:58

I've been playing a lot of BF2 lately and am often reminded about the fall/winter of 2005 and all the good times that were had back then. It's hard to believe that so many years have passed by since those awesome days. This was a time in my life where I had just sold the house that Jocelyn and I had and was still getting over the tremors of that relationship ending.  It was around the end of October 2005 when I was invited to "Movie Night" at hardcorehuntin 's place by m0836296 who encouraged me to go. Such great times ensued over the next couple of months, such as:
  • Awesome movie nights
  • The best Halloween party EVER
  • WPRK times, including making shirts for Katie Ball's then-knew program
  • Playing endless hours of video games and drinking Bud Light
  • Being introduced to the greasiest pizza ever, which was also VERY tasty
  • Playing BF2 at UCF with granite26
  • Just having a great time with great friends.
I hate that the drama that unfolded, did. It is a shame that was sort of a breaking point. Everyone seems to have moved on with their lives. Lately I've been wanting to get back into meeting new friends and doing the hangout thing again.  It wouldn't be the same, but anything has to be better than where I am right now: only a handful of friends and few real hangout times.
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