Jun 25, 2004 22:41
I passed my DEP test and am set for departure to the NAVY boot camp June 21, 2005. When I am "shipped out," I will arrive for the training of an ET {Electronics Technician} occupation, and will later enter the Nuclear Program A School for further training and screening.
I came home and breifed my parents on the last two days of testing, and my test results. My parents are very proud of my achievements and look forward to what other responsibilities I will partake in.
Sarah Waite had called me earlier in the day, when I was still in testing, so I returned her call once i was at home. She invited me to meet her at her friend Alex's house to play video games and watch anime movies. I had met Alex previously, but had never noticed how much of a gamer she was. Alex and I attempted a few missions on Perfect Dark, then moved onto playing the Gamecube with Sarah included. I picked out Super Smash Brothers Melee for the first game, so we had a melee free-for-all.
After playing around four or five rounds of fifteen-minute matches, the three of us went upstairs to get sodas from the pantry. while we were up there, Alex showed me her parrot. It flew at me and i backed into a coffee table, scraping my right calf rather badly. It only stung momentarily, so I shrugged it off, and continued to following Alex and Sarah downstairs after Alex put the bird away.
Alex and I decided to watch an anime movie, and Sarah agreed to "put up with it," so Alex brought down an anime movie that was nothing i'd seen before in cartoons. In the first five to seven minutes, there was despair, nudity, blood, gore, the explosions of bodies, and a sword being pulled from the womb of a female. We decided this to be a bit too difficult to focus on, so we put in a very random comedy anime. It was just that.
When we had finished watching the comedy anime, Sarah and Alex went over to Alex's air hockey table, and they attempted to play a fifteen-minute game while i picked up the air hockey pucks when they flew off of the table.
Alex requested that we go home, because she had work the next morning, and it was already 10:23, so Sarah and I went home. I came home, decided to write this entry to all of you, and to tell you all that I've changed a bit, but I'm still the same old goofy person. Even if I typed this entry in the most formality I know of, I'm still yours to see and remember as the same person.
Today was an overall good day, and I wish to thank Sarah and Alex for making my day an everlasting memory for as long as I can remember. I love you guys.
~Jim III