Holy Zaps Batman!

Jul 28, 2005 00:10

About an hour or so I started having a really bad panic attack. I swear I felt/feel like I was/am going to die. I'm having Zaps something awfuL. I also notice that when I skip Paxil (even just for a day) I get a lot of these withdrawl syndroms. I thought I was going nuts having flu type syndroms. Anyway, I did some web surfing and found this out (hoping it will help someone else out):
Withdrawing from Paxil - The Almost Complete Guide

-By J.B.

The only complete information about withdrawing from Paxil, from beginning to end, has been piecing together message board postings from those folks who have actually done it. There has been a big need for this information in one source -  not just bits and pieces. I’ve tried to gather as much as I could from former Paxil patient’s experiences (including my own) to share with those attempting to quit Paxil. Now there can be a source to direct people to for all of this information ; instead of having to post it over and over again. Feel free to print, share, and give links to this document.

When withdrawing from Paxil, you have to decide which method is right for you. Everyone is different, so experiment. Tapering the dosage down over a period of time seems to be the preferred way to stop - versus quitting Paxil “cold turkey”. The withdrawal symptoms during tapering are generally much less intense than cold turkey quitting.

Although some people can quit Paxil and suffer no withdrawal repercussions, countless numbers of folks have quit or tapered and have suffered nausea, dizziness, electric shock sensations known as “the zaps”, headache, flu-like symptoms, balance problems, anxiety, sleep problems, gastro-intestinal problems, sweats, vivid dreaming, sensitivity to light and/or sound, etc. The list goes on and on…..
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