Apr 13, 2018 08:00
- Thu, 12:13: RT @ KendamuZ: #peaktrans is when you realize that you're still valid no matter what medical steps you have or haven't taken. https://t.co/B…
- Thu, 12:22: RT @ ChaKatKimber: #peaktrans is the Bria Smile of Gender Euphoria https://t.co/GTpXetPLZb
- Thu, 12:25: RT @ gfrancie: Every single day the American Chopper Meme goes to some new place and I can't help but follow. https://t.co/i24DMYirCV
- Thu, 12:31: RT @ itzzkait: For anyone who says that “love, simon isn’t important” https://t.co/dkgXbh0YN6
- Thu, 15:05: RT @ Dalmy_Dog: Bump for the morning crew! https://t.co/aWVRXZLvL8
- Thu, 15:18: RT @ GOJIIMUSIC: anyone i know who can read/write fluent Japanese can help me translate text for an album cover? ♥
- Thu, 15:29: RT @ stopthenutjob: Paul Ryan "if I am here for one more term, my kids will only have ever known me as a weekend dad." Meanwhile tens of mi…
- Thu, 15:41: RT @ zboah: Important https://t.co/smBpIc0zcm
- Thu, 15:58: RT @ transphilosophr: Dear cis journalists, THERE IS ALMOST ALWAYS NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO DEADNAME A TRANS PERSON. So don't do it. Thank…
- Thu, 16:00: See how simple it is? https://t.co/KuY3pyMX5P
- Thu, 16:31: RT @ XydexxUnicorn: Thread. https://t.co/qsxOtrMjV6
- Thu, 16:34: RT @ Poodleslime: Hey Live your lives to the fullest and focus on being kind and having a good time living to the best of your abilities Bec…
- Thu, 16:39: RT @ pattymo: Paul Ryan the private citizen should get booed out of every room he enters for the rest of his life
- Thu, 17:42: RT @ LouisatheLast: Lemme break down the thing about being poor that people like Moby don’t seem to get. Let me start with the humble cheese…
- Thu, 18:43: RT @ XydexxUnicorn: @ edgedestroys @ andreuswolf Watching 2 Gryphon defend dressing his fursona as a Nazi on Holocaust Rememberance Day says e…
- Thu, 18:59: RT @ Spacekatgal: 41 Percent of Congress are Businesspeople 39 percent of Congress are Lawyers And a majority are millionaires Those are fi…
- Thu, 20:02: I just backed @ SamNeukirch 's Monster Girls - Inktober 2017 Book on @ Kickstarter https://t.co/WsvCwtjwk7
- Thu, 20:54: I just earned the 'Draft City (Level 5)' badge on @ untappd! https://t.co/SSpnO1m3Ov
- Thu, 20:55: Drinking a DO Double IPA DDH With Citra, Mosaic, & Amarillo Hops by @ SpiderBiteBeer @ Spider Bite Beer Company - https://t.co/Bni3zcEu5t
- Thu, 21:07: Drinking a GaN GaN by @ SpiderBiteBeer @ Spider Bite Beer Company - https://t.co/4oTpXZoiU7
- Thu, 21:19: RT @ Iron_Spike: Good afternoon. I hope everyone's having a great day. But maybe some of you aren't. Maybe some of you worry, "I want to dr…
- Thu, 21:20: RT @ PizzaSkunk: This skunk sprays fascists (art ©️ @ AdriMakesArt) https://t.co/J3hmaexYBO
- Thu, 21:30: RT @ theimagehound: Thank you all so much for your support and patience through our struggle. It's been a lo... https://t.co/SCrd2orUKi
- Thu, 21:35: RT @ benjancewicz: Deandre Joshua - Nov 25 2014 - Shot and burned in car. Homicide. Darren Seals - Sept 2 2016 - Shot and burned in car. Ho…
- Thu, 21:35: RT @ tanukiboyfriend: RIP Paul Ryan, who earlier this afternoon passed away in a freak train accident while auditioning for the role of Snid…
- Thu, 21:48: RT @ andreuswolf: https://t.co/iEgFyqbEzY
- Fri, 00:14: Drinking an Elvis Juice by @ BrewDog - https://t.co/mjQUedSVFP
- Fri, 00:14: I just earned the 'Bullseye Beverage (Level 48)' badge on @ untappd! https://t.co/WTLRs7P0Im #bullseyecoldbeer
- Fri, 00:58: #InazmaDelivery is the cutest y'all.
- Fri, 01:18: ABSOLUTELY S I C C C C K K K K K K K Dox & Flinch & Yuki Dance - Skurt Reynolds (Herobust) https://t.co/lNns6vyWwd via @ YouTube
- Fri, 01:22: I just earned the 'For the Can (Level 79)' badge on @ untappd! https://t.co/Fgrn9ZolSC
- Fri, 01:22: Drinking a DO Double IPA DDH With Citra, Mosaic, & Amarillo Hops by @ SpiderBiteBeer - https://t.co/a1A2Z9RZOY
- Fri, 01:45: RT @ Chevistian1: Craig's parents are now one of the best parents in animation always checking if their childrens are having problems and al…
- Fri, 01:55: RT @ RyanPHaygood: Black kids know, as early as the 2nd grade, that they can be killed by the police. Directions: Add a predicate to each s…
- Fri, 02:07: FEELS https://t.co/0QRKg9farI
- Fri, 02:08: RT @ XydexxUnicorn: Peter's got another good video with a message for unfunny comedians who don't understand why nobody's laughing at their…
- Fri, 02:08: RT @ petercoffin: I am very offended. (MANY PETERS №25) https://t.co/sruBaFc89T https://t.co/CrmIB3IA3V
- Fri, 02:10: RT @ MeatSpice: Counting stock and holy smokes fwa loved my shark pins I only had 5 left?? If you've ever wanted one of these look out for m…
- Fri, 02:16: RT @ Howlitzer: *inhales* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU https://t.co/3mcAus29Zg
- Fri, 02:20: RT @ Therometwin: Hey everybody! Just reminding you all I'm still open for commissions. Taking 3 slots for any of the choices bellow. Tweet…
- Fri, 02:33: #BuildMoreGuillotines https://t.co/6ysgKND2fu
- Fri, 02:49: RT @ LOLGOP: Retires at 48. Wants you to work until you're 84. https://t.co/szKVpT79P4
- Fri, 02:50: RT @ Chronoteeth: 2045, paul mccartneys death bedx surrounded by friends and family, gives one last song, a secret unreleased track. he pass…
- Fri, 02:51: RT @ TheDailyShow: Wow, these @ TIME magazine covers are getting out of control. https://t.co/m1O41MWIjv
- Fri, 02:58: RT @ JuliusGoat: Flint has no water. https://t.co/LgFFQ9nGzM
- Fri, 03:01: RT @ TeaPainUSA: People that once claimed to “defend the Constitution” during a black man’s presidency are standin’ in line to give Trump ad…
- Fri, 03:06: RT @ mspowahs: #peaktrans is pissing off both TERFs and truscum by reminding everyone that YOU DO NOT. NEED. DYSPHORIA. TO BE TRANS. If you…
- Fri, 03:07: I may be cishet, but i doubt I'm 100% straight, so there's that
- Fri, 03:19: RT @ TimCKelly: MoCCA Arts Festival, last Saturday w/@ iamjoemeyer #throwbackthursday https://t.co/ujXO3oYjFP
- Fri, 03:21: RT @ NotLikeFreddy: oh SHIT https://t.co/1pq1Jph7aA
- Fri, 03:23: RT @ petercoffin: the whole "curiouscat is dead because a company that data mines you now owns it" thing bugs me a lot is twitter dead? are…
- Fri, 03:35: @ ZOLAJESUS music is a definite mood
- Fri, 04:00: RT @ JordanUhl: Holy shit this is SPOT ON https://t.co/ew9wONHRVV
- Fri, 04:02: RT @ s0ftg4m3r: Also!! #peaktrans is remembering that the BEST #pokemon character was originally dubbed by a trans woman!! Her name was Mad…
- Fri, 04:06: RT @ Frabba: @ riseandresistny @ ZackFinkNews @ CynthiaNixon @ ShaneGoldmacher Shoutout to the person yelling "You will never be president".
- Fri, 04:10: RT @ spacetwinks: gonna lose my goddamn fucking mind over this thought that everybody will have the opportunity/ability to "work" enough to…
- Fri, 04:13: Change the hotel, and I'll think about attending. Otherwise, count me out. https://t.co/1vzQmkgJRU
- Fri, 04:38: RT @ QuynhHyena: This is Blaze. I planned on ending my life the day I met him. I just wanted to hold some puppies before I didn’t exist…