Good god that was a long day

Nov 02, 2006 04:59

Holy shit... I'm exhausted and I want to go to bed... so why am I writing this? I feel guilty I haven't written in a while and I refuse to be too lazy.

Went to breakfast with Jei and Anna and had a good time but it's all patchy. My memory from the morning is never good.

Okay, so I got up this morning and immediately started reading my philosophy homework that I should've read last night but didn't have the time. Went to philosophy and got into a debate about whether computers can "think." I have absolutely no interest in this stuff at all. Bah!

Immediately after my philo class I rehearsed my speech a half a dozen more times and wen to the meeting with the provost. I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life! I was sitting at a table with the provost, the vice provost, the dean of the college of liberal arts and sciences, the chairs of the English and Theatre departments, the heads of the nonfiction program and the International writing program... I nearly had a heart attack when it was my turn to speak. Still, it wasn't as bad as I expected since we all were joking around after a while, everyone there was very relaxed and personable and things went over very well. Amy, Kelly and professor Rasmussen basically owned and I think everyone there was actually glad to hear us. Now all we can do is wait... oi.

So, to celebrate I played a lot of video games. I couldn't help myself! I promised I would do nanowrimo this year and so far I am failing quite miserably.

Creative writing was interesting. I was kind of pissed off by Jei's workshop. That story was a lot better than people were giving her credit for. I think Rachel was not in a good mood today and that contributed a lot to it. My workshop went pretty well; I felt like people liked this story more than the last and that made me happy. I was really worried about this one but I feel like I know how to make it better now.

After I got back Sarah M and I went to get snacks at the gas station and had ourselves a merry old time walking in the cool autumness. I've been really paranoid lately about people walking alone. Does it seem like there have been more reports of violence this year? This is absolutely ridiculous; I fucking hate people who think it's cool to terrorize others. ... anyway, I'm seriously fading and I think I'm not making sense anymore so I'll sign off here quick.

Took a quick nap in Anna's room... mmmm nap. Woke up groggy and Anna, being the beautiful person she is, ordered me to go downstairs and get sleep... and I am failing.

Presently reading Winesburg, Ohio and I like it a lot more than House of Mirth (burn in hell victorian lit).

Good night all.
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