Dude.... dude

Jun 07, 2006 02:19

Hello all

Yeah, I haven't posted in several days so I felt kind of bad. So, first note: I got my first rejection letter! Fuck yeah! It was from the magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and I'm very impressed (and slightly insulted) by the speed of their reply time. Meh. It will be the first of many and I think it would have actually been a bad sign if I'd sold a story on the first try.

Work today was okay... sort of. It was REALLY slow for the first half of the day, then when there were only three of us in the store we got swamped. It kind of majorly sucked, but it could have been much worse (I could've gotten sunburns).

Just watched Hotel Rwanda and got majorly depressed. I think I lost a lot of respect for humanity while watching that movie, but also gained a little back. It's just extremely frightening to know that this happened only twelve years ago.

Working on another story and play right now. Kind of slow going on both, but my goal for this summer is to be as productive as possible while I still can. that also means reading a hell of a lot more current stuff that's coming out and reading more classics... yeah, just reading more. It gives me a good feeling to feel like I have a general idea of who's writing what and where.

Posted my story for the anthology on the yahoo group and now waiting for responses. Kind of nerve wracking, actuallly, but I'll come under far harsher criticism come next year in workshops. It'll be really cool if we can pull this off though.

Yesterday went and visisted Anna for her birthday. It was great fun! We went out with her brother and mom to a fifties resteraunt and then went out and bummed around and got chocolate. I just was glad to see her and get out a little.

Lastly: went to a poetry slam tonight! Kind of an odd story, actually. I was riding my bike over to the Boheme (a coffee shop/bar in ames) intending to write a little in my play and walked in to find an open mike. A lot of the people reading were very good and it was quite entertaining. one guy got up and read a poem about having intellectual sex... honestly, I can't describe it any better than that, but it was funny as all hell. Just as the guy running the show was about to turn off the mike he saw me writing in my journal and asked me to come up and read. For some reason I was actually feeling gutsy so I meshed a bunch of lines from my play together into a "poem" and read it. It was kind of fun, but I'm really not a very good performer. I think I'll go back next month with something prepared.

take care all!

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