Oct 18, 2006 18:09
When I was a kid, my mother used to always say, "You get outta life, what you put into it." Ok, she wasn't always the wisest woman 100% of the time, but she sure cooked some mean cornbread!
Hi, I'm Chris, 41 year old SUCCESSFUL black funny man. I ain't wealthy, but I sure am rich!
On an additional note. I am not called Chrisy, Christ, Rissy, Plymouth Rock, Peice of the Rock, none of that. So don't even try it. It's mister Rock to ya'll.
But, it's a pleasure to be here in this grand city of LJ. Not exactly sure what ya'll do for fun around here, cause I ain't seen any baseball stadiums or any porno stores. But I suppose ya'll gotta do somethin' on Saturday nights. So I'll go with the flow for now and see what ya'll get up to. Think of me as the little 3 legged dog hopping around after ya'll and bugging the shit out of you.
Typical day for me at the moment is still working on a few movies I got coming up, just finished with my latest, that should be coming out in a few months. Busy on my toes for the next season of Everybody Hates. Hopefully it'll be as big as this year, or better. Looks promising.
So anywho, gotta skittle outta here. Just thought I'd drop a line of fish and dangle my superiorness infront of ya'll.
Mind out of the gutters ladies.