Jun 11, 2004 01:58
Today was such a waste. well not totally. It started out okay. We went to the museum of contemporary art in downtown and it was really interesting. The exhibits were all about "minimalists" Im not exactly sure what the definition is but i think they're artists who work on pieces that dont hve a definite meaning. There were simple squares on a wall or a line on a canvas. But the lady explained and pointed out the effects the lighting had on it, and different ways you could interperet the work. I Actually understood alot she had to say. Due in great part to the fact i was high.still...I never knew so much more went into art. I seriously want to go into that field. Then after the museum we went to city wack to go apply for jobs. WASTE OF TIME. we didnt even have our social security numbers! I felt so stupid.SO after that we went to lacc so i could sign up for classes. I didnt even get to cause nicole had to go home and you swear i was gonna stay in ghetto ass lacc alone. Then i came home and did all my laundry, finish my homework that is due tomorrow blah blah.fuck i was so ..uh...swamped. I dont even think imma go to school tomorrow. Anyways i dont have money to get there.so. I think i need to start using my time better.