...but if I were, I'd be buying tickets to Chuck Ragan's shows in and around that country this month. The best birthday present I ever bought myself is his studio record "Feast or Famine." Got $12 sittin' around? Do yourself a favor.
Yoka's Culture Festival was Saturday, and Seikei's Sports Day was yesterday, so Monday and Tuesday are my weekend this week. What am I doing with my days off? I'm talking myself out of buying an XBox 360 and watching Dune and Transformers all day long. Oh, and skating in front of buses and nearly dying as a result. Let's hear it for traffic safety.
I've got about 50-100 photos of yesterdays festivities, and somewhere in the course of the day I managed to teach my kids how to throw up the horns in celebration/defiance. I don't know if they get the spirit of the thing, really, but they've mastered the gesture with a variety of techniques, such that I'd say a full 30 of the photographs show some combination of index and pinkie fingers raised and rocking. Lots of respect for my mini-metalheads.
Tell me of your homeworld, Usul.