Jun 06, 2005 22:13

Wednesday: I went to Chrissy's house, after two weeks of being stranded from her & Medina. Archer, one of her ferrets, is getting so damn big! I love Cookie, though, she's nifty neato. Medina wanted to come home with me, she told me so, but Chrissy is a force to be dealt with, one which I am not equiped to handle unfortunately. I came home with a hairless dumbo mink girl from Monchichi's litter! I have always wanted a hairless dumbo mink girl, but every hairless dumbo Chrissy has had has been males or one female which she keeps obviously. ;x I was excited to death about getting this girl, though. She plays with me & grooms me & sleeps with me, what a joy to have. Her name... is Mira, after my sweet girl who I love very much. <3

Thursday: What a day! Why no-one corrected me on my mistake is beyond me, but anyways. I was going to meet Susan in Waco around noon. So, I leave at 7am, thinking it will take me 5 hours to get there. Obviously, I was thinking of the distance to either Houston or Siloam Springs because a mere 50 minutes into the trip I see a sign that reads: Austin 123, Waco 32 Now, I have been to Waco & Killeen many times, so why I would up & think it takes 5 hours to get there is beyond me. & the fact that no-one said 'hello! It's just a hour & a half drive, dumbass!' blows my mind.

Anyways, so I get to the Rangers Museum around 9. I call Susan, tell her how stupid I was, listen to her laugh at me for a while... <3 Then with camera in hand, I set out to take some nice pictures while I pass the time. I get one shot in before I see 1.) a group of feral, sickly looking cats, 2.) a dead cat under a tree, & 3.) two really scary looking hobos waking up by the river. So I decide you know what? It's just 90 more miles to Austin, I'll just meet Susan there. So I tell Susan, this makes her happy cause she lives right there. I get there, park at Chili's & wait. To my utter shock, she knew what my I always order from Chili's & Macaroni Grill. I later find out she did some detective work & found an old post about favorite places to eat & what you order there. She finally got there, yay! We sat in her car, eating Chili's (THANK YOU!) & talking about rats, life, the universe & everything! (42) She was so nice, exactly how I imagined her to be. I LOVE ME SOME SUSAN! She also gave me a VERY cute birthday card & present, <33

I headed home, litter in tow in the passenger's seat with me. Susan let me take her quarintine cage, as she won't need it until her blue baby is ready to come home, which I will be taking to her I'm sure. ^^ Well, I get to the last hour of the trip & I can not stay awake as I had been awake for 32+ hours by then. I had to pull over, get a coke & a cup of ice, & walk around my car for a few minutes. Once I felt awake again, I got back on the road, popping in a Margaret Cho cd. Chewing on ice plus the Cho cd carried me to the house where I stopped to go to the bathroom. Mom was on her way out, so I asked if she could take me by Chrissy's to deliver the litter. So off we were, the litter was delivered, & I came home with yet ANOTHER gorgeous girl. She's from Gypsy's litter, so she's Tsuki's sister. She is a mink dilute standard dumbo with this reeeally small little spotch of white on her tummy, like irish marking by lower? I had held her Wednesday while seeing which baby would be best for Susan. She tooth-groomed me & I was sold, I had to have her. She has a little notch out of her ear, which gives her such personality if you ask me. Looks like those cartoon rats that always have a round notch out of their ear to make them look more tough or whatnot. I haven't named her yet, >_<

Friday: Finally got to A-Kon around 1ish. Dad drove John & me out there, since all parking was full & whatnot. I had my Bleach towel with me, as it was raining & I needed protection! Got into the hotel room, ran down to get my badge, ran into the dealers room to grab some first day things, & chilled in the hotel room after that, watching the A-Kon chanel the hotel gives them for the con. (they have cameras running around or taping events & broadcasting them on the hotel's channel for those in their rooms taking a break or whatnot can still be involved so to speak in the con)

Called Carol (bluejackal on TRRC, eat_my_feathers here on LJ) after scoping out the Furuba, FMA & CC items to see if she liked Ed or Al better, & if she had a Shigure keychain. She is very nice, I can't wait to meet her at AnimeFest, :3 Called Shawna, she came to our room & chilled for about an hour. We ran our mouths off about rats & Medina, it was tons of fun for me at least! SHE IS SO CUTE & SMALL & NICE! I love her hair. ANYWAYS! Had pizza for lunch, as the Adam's Mark has the best Old Fashioned Pepperoni & Mozarella pizza. Had burger & cheesecake for dinner.

Dealers Room Buys: First, I grabbed a Pinky St. figure I had always wanted. Second, I snatched a hide pillow I had been eyeing online for a few weeks. Third, I was most excited to see a pin set from Bleach, featuring a can badge of Hitsugaya & a pewter 10th Division pin. From the same booth, I also aquired Orihime's hair pins. :3

Saturday: My birthday, yay! I woke around 11. My Mom called to let me know she was on her way. We had planned for her to spend all of Saturday with me at the Kon. Partly because I love her, also because it was my birthday & lastly because she had never spent a day with me at AKon & I like to share my interests with her. She arrived with a cake & presents! We did the birthday thing then went to the Plaza of Americas for lunch, which is connected to the Adam's Mark by a sky bridge. After that, we got Mom a Saturday membership & hit the dealers room again! After THAT, we went to the Komic Market in search of Lindze (Genkigang & lindze here on LJ) & Shawna. Found Lindze, she was SO SWEET! I was way glad she made it to this A-Kon. I would of bought an omg! hat but she was all out, ;_; We talked a bit before I left in search of Shawna again. About my fourth sweep of the booths I ran right into her, XD I met her boytoy, who.. reminds me of Shaun (my ex I was with for three years) SO much. He was nice, though! After THAT, we went back to the room & chilled. We ordered ANOTHER pizza because hey, I only get this certain pizza once a year! We spent a while watching the cosplay on the A-Kon channel. While during the walk-ons (people costuming with no skit so they just walk on & off) there was an Akito! She came out, held up a bird in her hand, then flung in down in a VERY Akito-like manner & stormed off the stage, outer robe falling off her shoulder PERFECTLY IN AKITO FASHION. I was shitting bricks. I was yelling 'WEHAVETOGOFINDHERINEEDHER'. John was in his Arthur Dent costume by then. We ran down to the lobby floor where the cosplay was, & waited for her. We must of spent over an hour searching. Finally, I saw her rush out of the main programming room. As my Mom said, it was like I had springs in my feet. I was up & over the table in no time, rushing toward her. I caught her & said 'omg I saw you on the tv in my room & ran down here I just had to get a picture of you, Akito is my favorite omg you're the first Akito I've seen.' all in one VERY quick breath. She was flattered & excited, so I got two really good pics of her. Feeling VERY happy with myself, we headed back to the room. I instantly called Carol to tell her about the Akito, but she did not answer. I also called Shawna as we were going to try to meet up for dinner or something. We all talked, watched tv, & finally fell asleep.

Dealers Room Buys: First I grabbed a Bleach pencilboard, a Shigure mini-pencilboard, Roy Mustang cellphone strap (for Carol), Al keychain, Minish cellphone strap & hide wristband. Second, I found a Yuki plushie I always wanted to go with the matching Kyo plushie I have. Third, I found THE booth for Bleach stuff. I got a 4th Division medical/bogu type bag with character BANDAIDS!!, & a wristband like Ichigo wears in one of the color spreads from the manga. They sold out of the red/white/blue with a star ones, ;_; Last, I managed to yoink a Shigure hat!

Sunday: Woke up around 9, got ready & hit the dealers room for the last time. Called Shawna one last time, hoping to meet up once more. Ran back up to the room, got packed, checked out & headed home. I was so over-joyed to be home, in my own bed, with my kitty & ratties. Watched X-Files with John until I fell asleep.

Dealers Room Buys: First I got the other hide pillow I had wanted. Sunday is the day to hussle with the dealers, as they don't want to return with merch. One booth had them for $14, the other for $22. I told them 'they have it for $14' so they gave it to me for $10. :3 Second, I grabbed an Ed pin, Ed coinpurse, Urahara cellphone strap (with card) & a Furuba plastic fan. Finally, I hit the Bleach booth one last time & got another Bleach pin set, this time for Renji. It came with a can badge of him plus a pewter 6th Division pin.

WOW! This birthday was definitely wonderful! I loved meeting everyone, it was awesome. <3

lysariala, I saw you twice I think it was, but Mikey was there both times & I had no clue how he felt about me anymore, so I didn't approach you. But your costume Saturday night was cute, ^^

EDIT!!!: Just got the following email:

Happy Birthday to My New Mommy!
You can come and get me and take me home with you anytime now.....
You can take her.....and when I am done quaranting I will borrow her from you to breed her and then give her back when she is done wif her beebes. I was holding her earlier and she deserves so much more attention than I can give her..... :)

Medina is my dream rat. I have wanted her since day one of my RMAX rat obsession. Almost every rat I have is related to her. I have been waiting for a little short of a year for a copy of her in her litters, but she has only had two. The first one did not have a Medina-copy for me & the second was only boys. Chrissy told me she wanted to try breeding her a few more times then if she could not get a copy of her out of a litter she would let me have her. It was looking like I would not be able to get her or a baby from her until late September to October or later, but OMG! She wants me to come by tomorrow at noon to pick her up! MY GOD. SPEECHLESS WITH HAPPINESS.
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