Jul 17, 2004 05:28

Comment <3: galixy, caitlin_potter, woodisgoodcdl, luring, __paperheart, _lemonaide, glamstar, sproutgirl, littleasianpixi, nymph_nectar, lecharme, paopu_fruit, tapill, windowdisplay, misslinds, & mixtaped.

Papa had a massive stroke on Tuesday, & it wasn't his first. He lives in one of those apartment complex things that are for old people. Well, one of his neighbors was going to have lunch with him or something at 1pm, but Papa never showed. The neighbor got worried, & noticed that Papa hadn't even been outside to pick up the paper that day. He called the manager-type people & told them to check on him, but they wouldn't. He asked a super to let him in, but he wouldn't. Word got around to my cousin, Kathy, that something was up. So, she rushed over & found him laying on the floor in front of his armchair. Who knows how long he had just been laying there, stupid fucking manager people don't even give a shit. I mean, if you run a place for OLD PEOPLE & one of them just suddenly 'isn't around', you fucking go in & check on them. Anyways, so they took him to the hospital & he was showing the usual signs of it being 'the end'. So Mom drives up there right away, & I plan to drive up the next day with John. They do a CT & send it to a hospital in Little Rock for evaluation. Meanwhile, things are all confusing & whatnot. The doctors said that if he pulled through, he would be paralyzed on his left side. The next morning, his is MOVING his left side. He is doing much better, & the CT scan only shows previous strokes.. so the doctors are all 'we don't know shit'. So, another CT is taken, & sent off. Over the course of the following day, Papa grows VERY agitated & refuses to let the IV stay in, or have an oxygen mask. They proceed to sedate him, instead of tying him down. Mom calls & tells me to not come up just yet, so I wait. The doctor opens one of his eyes, & asks him 'Can you see?' & Papa responds with a short & irritated 'Yep.' He is pissed that he lived through it, he is ready to go & has been ever since Meme passed. He must be so angry that he isn't gone yet. I just don't know. Anyways, so the CT shows a good amount of swelling & whatnot, but they STILL aren't sure what happened. Idiotic people, God. SO, if he gets through this, he'll more than likely have to be put in a home.. & I know he would much rather die than do that. I hurt so bad for my Mom, it's her last parent.. It's my last blood grandparent. Everything is just so messed up, >/

I need to take my pills on a REGULAR basis. If I keep skipping days then it just does me no good what-so-ever.

the_evil_git & rickmansbitch!!! We need to plan out a Razoo's diner, as well as checking out that abandoned asylum! Yay for possible felony charges! ;x

JOIN: hogwarts_ch, tell them misteh sent you! PWGI, I expect to see all of you to join & apply to be sorted, ;x
accio_claims, BRAND NEW Harry Potter claims community.

Claims, sortings, & accepted:
accio_claims: Lupin's chocolate bars, Snape's cloak, Draco's blood, Avada Kedavra, Wolfsbane, D/Hr, & fanon!Draco
hp_claims: Lupin's scars, Hermione's books, Severus Snape's potions closet, "Monster Book of Monsters", Draco Malfoy's house scarf, & Draco Malfoy's ferret form
_fictionclaim: Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
animevgsongs: Romancing Train (by move) - FF:U ED2
jsong_names: Ayumi Hamasaki - "Depend on You", hide - "Pose"
marry_a_ljuser: Married to telethons (Josse).
neopet_claims: Maraquan Draik

hogwartssorting - Slytherin
hogwarts_ch - Slytherin
__sortinghat - Slytherin
hogwartshouses - Ravenclaw
castlehogwarts - Slytherin

prefect_icons - Yes
rateyourcat - Yes, Skye
rateyourratty - Yes, Yuki

[e]: OH & I FORGOT!! kamkillskids FINALLY GOT EVIL-KITTY.NET UP!!! *loves on her* I finally broke down & have given up on forever calling her 'Tooky'. =_= I suck at keeping to what I say I will do, but she'll always be my Tooky-girl! <3
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