Jun 07, 2004 22:53
Okay, I don't want to type everything right now because I am TIRED & John is on his way. BUT! I'll just give a short summary. Pictures later, I promise.
Left for the line party around 1-2ish. Got there in costume, sat in line with line party organizers until 5ish then the three of us were let in to the theater to decorate! The line party people were SO nice to me, & made me feel like I was part of the organizing team as well. NBC filmed a bit, then a reporter & photographer from the Star Telegram came & interviewed us & took pictures while we were decorating. John arrived in costume as Draco, oh yeah & I was Pansy. The line party organizers went as Hermione & Ginny. It was so awesome, guys.. this was the best day of my life. If I hadn't gone to A-Kon after this, I wouldn't of been sad or anything. This line party & midnight showing was like 20 A-Kons to me. We played trivia games, we sorted EVERYONE who came to the showing, the theater had a trivia thing to give away their promotional items for PoA. I GOT ONE!! The fourth question was 'What do you have to say in order for the actual map to appear.' & I shot my hand up, so I got to yell the answer down to the people in the front of the theater. YAY FREE STUFF FOR ME! Anyways, more on this later.
Friday: A-Kon! Hit the dealers room, bought stuff, checked what was playing in the video rooms, went back to room, got dressed in Slytherin stuff. Hung out, had pictures taken a lot, DO AS INFINITY CONCERT!!!!!!!!!! Much more on that later.
Saturday: Hit dealers room, bought stuff, checked what was playing in the video rooms, went back to room, sat around watching tv. Got dressed as Hermione & Draco, walked around, had picture taken much more now that a Gryffindor was in the equation, sat in Hentai Fest line, met up with Brooke, went back to the room, ate, saw Brooke off, hit the bar for some drinks, went back to room & ordered room service pizza which was the best ever.
Sunday: Packed, hit dealers room, bought stuff, had bellboy get our bags, packed the car, validated parking ticket, drove home, hung out with parents, WENT TO SLEEP.
Today Mom made me go see PoA with her, she loved it! 8D Oh, & for most of Saturday my Mom was with us. SHE FINALLY GOT TO GO TO A-KON I WAS SO HAPPY!!! Anyways, more on all of this with pictures later.