Apr 23, 2004 21:42
Okay, just a quick post. I need to know who wants to be on what, if any, filters. This means that when I make a post about HP, I'll only post to the HP filter. & when I post about emotional/upsetting/confusing/personal IRL stuff, I'll only post to the IRL filter. That way I won't clog up anyones flist that doesn't wish to read that crap. So anyways, please fill out the poll. <3
Poll Friend Filters
ALSO!! Could the following journals PLEASE take me off their Friends List? These are journals that; A.) Aren't used anymore, B.) RP journals that died with 6th Year, or C.) Have been dead for a long time. Just take a minute or two out of your day to log on to your old/abandoned/dead journal & clean out your flist? >_<
__caramel, __margarita, __millicent, __paradox, __zabini, _angee, _delacour, _harry_, _hiccup, _p4nsy, _saruh, ahnah, amoodles, angiebeans, blueberrikerri, bunnyscent, carameloblog, ciindy, dadadadanni, domitre, evilgirlie, forknlilo, iluffaar, kazoku, kewliokatherine, my_airspace, potatoash, r3tro, ravey_rawr, reneebeauty, rowie, rucial, shuttled, slytherinfairy, xfirstpassion, & zellious.