Comment <3:
culturepop, &
Okay, HELP. My AIM BuddyList is getting too big, & I don't know who a lot of the people on it are anymore. So, once again, I'm going to list a bunch of sns that I don't recognize. If it's your sn, comment & tell me. If you don't use it anymore, comment & tell me, also tell me your new one. If you know who the sn belongs to, comment & tell me. Please, God, if you find your sn on here.. PLEASE do not be offended. I have gotten rather bad with remembering the names that match up to the sns. I wish people would just get sns with their name in it, or at least their handle or something! >_<;;
Still use?
gnomix shell
theANGELiCA says
kelly lubs u
padFooTs a r a h
w3rd up Gdawg
kaye hates you
che erk ut i e16
o0lo x sara h
et hora somni
l3mon Rav3y
wiya is a fairy
Angry Emo Ravey
ahoy ROWiE
lumos NOX Ravey
k4n d 1r4 v3 r
loserTISH 04
rowie forever
ramen to go
Old Skool
basscadet 81
kErri b0 bErri
LIMBO horror
Who are you?
ser4pg song
ang3lic pwincez
ooeternal snowoo
FLiCK that STiCK
mrs fuzzy peach
omen of badluck
Frutti Pynq
the empty hotel
Time for another community list!
Communities I am in/watch
{ Icon Communites }
3am_icons - Watch-not-post icon makers.
animeicons - Anime icons.
astrai_icons - Watch-not-post icon makers.
basicbases - Icon bases.
bowie_icons - David Bowie icons.
goodhplotricons - Good HP/LoTR icons.
hentai_icons - Hentai icons.
homestaricons - Homestar Runner icons.
icon_extras - Icon extras, like borders, templates & whatnot.
iconic_idolatry - Watch-not-post icon makers.
iconscious - Watch-not-post icon makers.
iconsensual - Watch-not-post icon makers.
iconstipation - Watch-not-post icon makers.
konayuki - Watch-not-post icon makers.
lotricons - Lord of the Rings icons.
lyricontest - Icon contest revolving around song lyrics.
prefect_icons - Exceptional HP icons.
red_tavern - Watch-not-post icon makers.
sexicons - Sex icons.
sinful_graphics - Sexy icons & graphics.
songsets - Icon songsets.
squaresoft_icon - Squaresoft icons, mostly FF.
takenote_icons - Exceptional icons.
the_icon_ritz - Icon awards.
utena_icons - Revolutionary Girl Utena icons.
whiteout_icon - Watch-not-post icon makers.
{ Harry Potter Communities }
806 - Pg. 806, Sirius Black discussion & memorial.
diagonalley - General HP discussion.
draco_hermione - Draco/Hermione shippers & fic recs.
dramione - Draco/Hermione shippers & fic recs.
floatyourboat - Collaboration fanfic.
gryffindor - General HP discussion.
hogwarts - General HP discussion.
hp_art_xchange - HP art exchange.
hp_awards - HP graphic/icon awards.
hp_costuming - Help & discussion about cosplaying in Hogwarts style.
hp_graphics - HP graphics & icons.
hp_icons - HP icons.
hp_texas - Fellow Texan HP fans.
hpart - HP art.
hpiconbases - HP icon bases.
hptheories - Discussion of theories surrounding the final two upcoming books in the HP series.
malfoys_hat - Love for Malfoy's hat in PoA.
mudbloods - Love for Mudbloods.
potterpals - Watch-not-post fans of Potter Pals.
purebloods - Love for Purebloods.
slytherin - General HP discussion.
slytherinlove - Slytherin discussion & love.
{ Animal Communities }
ferretlovers - General ferret discussion.
hamsters - General hamster discussion.
paw_print - Pet photos.
rabbitowners - General rabbit discussion.
rateyourcat - Have your cat rated.
rattielovers - General rat discussion.
rattiepix - Rat photos.
ratties - General rat discussion.
tortielove - General Tortie Shell cats discussion.
tortieshellcats - General Tortie Shell cats discussion.
{ Art/Design Communities }
_anatomy - Graphic design & whatnot.
art_theft - Art theft, warnings & the like.
bups - Graphic design & whatnot.
fontsters - Showing off fonts & what creative ways to use them.
hellocreative - General crafty/art posts.
raptamakeout - Webdesign & graphic design.
{ RP Communities }
_6th_year_ - My first RP, it died last year.
hprpgpromotions - Promote your HP RP.
hprpsearch - Promote your HP RP.
owl_rp - RP I was trying to get going, never did.
playersresource - Players sell themselfs to RPs.
plot_what_plot - No RP needed, just one shot free styles.
{ Japanese Communities }
engrish - fan community.
garagesalejapan - Buy/sell/trade Japanese goods.
hide_your_face - General hide discussion.
hideism - General hide discussion.
{ Random Communities }
_fantastical - General fantasy-fandom discussion.
communitysearch - Find any community.
iheartsex - Yes, well.. I do!
thebbs - General updates & whatnot for THEbbs.
{ Music Communities }
bon_jovi - General Bon Jovi discussion.
bonjovicentral - General Bon Jovi discussion.
bowie_art - David Bowie art posts.
{ Neopets Communities }
maraqua - General discussion on Maraqua from Neopets. Never got it started.
neopia - General Neopets discussion.
soupfaerie - General Neopets discussion, for the SoupFaerie Guild.
{ Anime Communities }
a_kon - General A-Kon discussion, in the making.
fruits_basket - General Fruits Basket discussion.
{ Movie Communities }
11slash11 - 11/11, LOTR:ROTK clean sweep at the Oscars. Show your fandom off. General discussion & picture postings.
cap_it - Screen-caps of movies, music videos, & tv shows.
{ Game Communities }
gamewhoregirls - General game discussion.
pso - General Phantasy Star Online discussion.
{ Letter-type Communities }
project29 - Monthly partner package thing. TOTALLI fun.
theletterchain - Show off interesting letters/mail/packages you get.
{ Elite-type Communities }
amazingbitches - Just that amazing.
paidmembers - Idon'tknow?
{ Claims Communities }
marry_a_ljuser - Marry a LJ User claiming community.
Ookay, too tired to type anything else. Out.
[e]: Like the icon? John & I were watching Donnie Darko a day ago & I was like 'that would make a cute icon..' because I'm just that nerdy, so I ran to MSPaint & pixeled it. 8D I also made two more icons, one of Yuki & another of Skye.