Comment <3:
_tonia, &
So Friday, let see.. I talked with
sharkohno for a good while during the day, which was nice. We seem to miss each other a lot on AIM, >_<;; Ah, & John was getting of work at 4pm, so I went to Eckerd at 4 & picked him up & we went to get Dawn of the Dead tickets. Last minute decision, instead of turning south on Cooper to go to the AMC in the Parks mall, I turned north on Cooper.. having remembered the old Lowe's theater that is rarely busy. So we got there & the building just said 'Theaters', they had taken down the 'Lowe's' part. When we went up to get the tickets, there was a piece of paper in the ticket booth window stating that they haven't started to sell beer yet, so as of right now it was BYOB. & John's like 'Who sells beer at a movie theater?!' & the girl was all 'We will! *teeheez*' & we were like o_o. So we got tickets for the 6:55 showing, & it was 4:57.
Oh, what shall we do to past the time?? Of course, we ran straight over to Petland, which was in the same little strip mall practically. I mean, their parking lots were connected. We held various animals, watched the new baby bunnies for the most part. John picked one out that he would buy, it was a Holland Lop that was mainly a dark charcoal grey but it had chocolate tints all in it's fur as well. It's face looked SO chubby because of all the fur. XD Anyways, so I grab a new collar for Skye & we head on over to the theater at about 6:30.
We get inside, get snacks & whatnot, & then go to get a seat. We asked the ticket-stub-taker-guy what happened to the Lowe's & whatnot. Basically, this company called 'Movie Tavern' bought it & stuff. They're going to renovate the theater & make it like a restaurant, where you have tables & shit & you can eat stuff liek steak or pasta or chicken while you watch the movie. As stated earlier, they will also be serving beer. We went on & got a seat. Laughed at a bunch of dumb tweenie girls acting all gansta hardcore & shit, then the movie started like fwoah. I was scurred. Then, some guys came in with a fucking IGLOO COOLER & A BUCKET OF ICE, OMFG HAHA. I'm like 'you know, it's gonna be like.. a girl drags her bf to a chick-flick & she's going to be all *crycryemoemo* during the movie, & then you'll hear *cha-chink*.... followed by *glugglugglugBURP*.... *cha-chink*' Yea, anyways & so the movie was funny. HAHA, OMG, in the beginning when that main girlie gets in her car & drives off & her fiancee or wtfever is all running after the car, then he just abruptly turns & goes for this other person standing out in their yard. AHA that was so hilarious to me. THEN, HAHAHA, THAT FAT CHICK IN THE MALL! When she got up & came after the main girlie, John was all 'BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM' with each of her steps, that was hilarious. I mean, omfg a big 300lb zombie waddling after me would be just oh-so-intimidating. Hah. Anyways, all in all it was okay.. but I missed the big JCPenny. & in the original, it's left all open & whatnot, with them flying off. But in this one, through the credits, you actually see what happens to them which is fucked up. Oh well. That song at the end was nifty, though.
Now, I just KNOW I had something else to talk about.. wtf was it. Oh, today we rented Galaxy Quest (Rickman sex), Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves (more Rickman sex), the original Island of Dr. Moreau (Godkillmenowhowboring), The Best of Will Ferell on SNL (AHA IT HAD THE SCIENCE CLIP & JEOPARDY!!), & Notorious C.H.O. (because finding the Margaret Cho icons from
coell's journal made me want to see that again REAL bad).
New POA Trailer Summary & Opinions
I got that 30-second new trailer for POA downloaded before they took it down. It's not that great quality, but you can make out what is going on & whatnot. It starts out with Snape walking into the DADA classroom & down to the front of the class where he says to the students 'Turn to page 394'. You hear the usual, Arthur Weasley saying 'Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison.', along with the familiar scene of Sirius in his cell. Then, a new scene of Harry on the Knight Bus, with someone saying 'He's a murderer.' I don't recognize the voice at all..? Cuts to a scene during Care of Magical Creatures, assumingly it's when Hargid brings out the Hippogriffs. Hermione gasps & grabs Rons hand (rather his wrist), then looks up at him & he looks at her. Behind them, you can see Draco sneer & laugh, turning to some fellow Slytherins. Music starts, & you see Harry riding Buckbeak. Really nice shot there. Cuts to Harry looking at the Marauders Map with his wand all lit up. You hear Harry say 'I hope he finds me..' During this, the scene shows what really looks like Werewolf!Lupin roaring up the camera kind of, then Harry outside during the day, whipping around to look at something. Then we see Sirius in the Shrieking Shack just kind of looking... blank. Then during the next scene, is Harry in the snow finishing the sentence, '...cause when he does I'm going to be ready.' Next scene is Lupin letting out the Boggart from the chest, & it turns into a Dementor. Harry fires a Patronus at it, & the movie logo comes up. 'Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban'. Then it shows Hermione punching Draco, him falling back onto a tree & moaning. Cuts to a few minutes later in the scene, Hermione saying 'That felt good.', Harry & Ron smile & kind of chuckle. Next is a quick shot of quiet a few Dementors flying about & then the scene with Harry holding Hermione against that big tree.
Opinions.. the Draco punching is so shit. That's not even right, she can't punch him!! >/ What a bitch. A slap, right on. A punch? WTF?! Hmm, & the Dementors flying like white-sheet ghosts? I thought they were just supposed to kind of glide over the ground, but at the same height they would be as if they were being supported by legs. Not all flying up into the night sky, wtf? Werewolf!Lupin is scary, but I didn't imagine him to be so skinny & anorexic-looking. The Patronus looks a bit off, but whatever. If it isn't a buck in the end, there will be too many screaming mad fans to think about. They wouldn't change that for fear of their lives, I'm sure.
Blythe dolls really scary me. Honestly, they do. I wouldn't be able to sleep with one in the same room as me. Nu-huh, not doing it. *shiver*