JET003: Future Co-worker, Vaccinations and Other Details

Jun 26, 2008 18:35

This is part three of the JET process, before the orientations in London.

Part one can be found here: JET001
Part two can be found here: JET002


20 June 2008 - Contacted my future co-worker
26 June 2008 - Contacted my doctor about vaccinations. Discussed internet and phone lines with my predecessor.

09 June to 26 June 2008 - More random preparing (lol) and more information received from my predecessor.


★ 20 June 2008
I was told by my predecessor that in my visiting school (more info on this later) I'll be working with another first-year JET ALT. Of course, in my excitement I emailed her the same day. She seemed really nice, friendly and happy to hear from some randomer that had contacted her saying they'd be future co-workers. After a couple of formal emails, I casually asked her what Japanese music she was into. This was fuelled by the fact that she's from Singapore and I have a number of Singaporean friends who have the same music taste as me. Lo and behold, she's into EXACTLY the same music as me and even has her own LiveJournal account for the same fangirling purposes. Lucky me!

★ 26 June 2008
I read from one of the JET groups that someone had had their vaccinations for Japan. I read in the JET paperwork that vaccinations were not actually necessary or mandatory. My predecessor hasn't had any vaccinations either. However, to be on the safe side I did my own research on vaccinations. I'm still looking into this at the moment but am having trouble with my medical records because my home doctor and my university doctor are different. So I'll still have to deal with this.

Also, I received an email from my predecessor today who is already helping me set up my internet and phone line in Japan to save me from the trouble she had to go through herself. So I assume as soon as I get to Japan I'd already have a phoneline and internet access. Woohoo!

★ 09 June to 26 June 2008
I've been emailing (more like pestering) my predecessor for more information. She's been nothing but AMAZING. She's even offered to meet me at the airport when I arrive and we're planning some things for my first day in my prefecture.
Some of the important points that we discussed:
- packing (I'll make a whole post about this when the time actually comes)
- school information (who, what, where, lessons, English club, etc)
- rent
- finances
- Tokyo orientation
- shipping
- dress code
- salary
- holidays
- trasportation
- stuff I'm buying from her
- inkan
- parties
- cell phone plan
- staff members
- items I'd need/consider (eg printer)
- apartment stuff
- hair care (eg hairdressers, straighteners)
- bedding

jet: predecessor, jet: co-workers, jet: placement information, jet: packing, jet: apartment, jet programme, jet: pre-departure information

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