Back in Osaka

Mar 19, 2009 15:59

Ello all... I'm back in Osaka. Hahaha.

Actually, I took a day off to come here so I could spend the day wandering before my friend arrived. I arrived in Osaka at 940am and chilled at the hotel for a bit (the TV was busted though so I went to sleep instead). After that, I did some research and wanted to go to HEP FIVE but it seems like it's closed on the third Thursday of every month - go figure, it's today. I dunno if it's actually accurate though because the employees at the hotel seemed surprised when I told them haha. I went to Shinsaibashi instead and wandered the entire street of shops. It was awesome but I came back with 5 pairs of shoes, a jacket and two tops because the shoes were SO CHEAP! So many shoe sales it's crazy. They were on sale for between ¥1000 to ¥2000! I'M SO HAPPY! But really, I wanted to shop for CLOTHES. So I dunno if I can be bothered to head out again and look around but we'll see after I finish this entry. Oh and I had late lunch at McDonalds haha.

Then, I headed back, and told the staff that my TV isn't working. After they checked it, they moved me to another room so I'm now not next to Han but at least we're still on the same floor.

Han should be arriving after work today so maybe I'll head to HEP FIVE with her since it doesn't close til 9 and she should be here around 7. Yay.

Then tomorrow, Ting and her boyfriend are arriving and we're gonna head to USJ. Woohoo! Saturday and Sunday will be Kyoto.

I was supposed to meet my friend in Osaka today who came from England but he made some last minute changes so I guess I won't be meeting him. Oh wells.

I haven't taken any pictures yet today which is probably because I was too busy shopping haha. But I'll probably go upstairs, take pics of my shoes, watch some TV and wait til Han gets here. Probably work out how much money I have left too lol.

Oh and coming off the train when I first arrived in Osaka today, I almost ran into this guy who was pretty darn cute except I was so flustered and he was getting on the train so that was the end of that. That was the only eye candy I've seen so far. Shocking. Where are all the sexy Osakan men?! Honestly! lol

osaka trip 2009.03 #3, kyoto trip 2009.01 #1, shopping

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