(no subject)

May 28, 2004 17:22


Headache today. Very glas it's Friday. I'm planning on going to sleep, after eatting some dinner. :)

Title: Quick Silver
Author: misted_oracle
Reviews: yes please, priestess_oracle@yahoo.ca
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Moody/Remus
Warning: graphic slash
Summery: Remus can’t be blamed for all of his actions, while under a certain influence.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, because if I did book five would have ended very differently, nor am I making any money off my writings.
Author’s Notes: Written for the Lusty month of May at pervy_werewolf.

Quick Silver

He was nearly limp in Moody’s arms as he was carried. He tried to walk, but he couldn’t manage it properly. Moody held him tightly as he felt himself drifting into a peaceful sleep. He was so tired and it would feel so good to rest…

“Lupin,” the voice jarred him awake, “don’t you dare close your eyes lad, if you sleep you may never wake up,”

Remus nodded weakly, fighting to keep his eyes open as he laid his head down upon Moody’s shoulder. He’d long since stopped feeling any pain. All he knew was a slightly unpleasant tingling sensation swirling over all his muscles.

“Moody?” he asked; his voice wasn’t his own. It was weak and frail and trembled something horrible.

“What?” the man spoke gruffly, hauling Remus’s body higher over his shoulder as they continued down the darkened hallway.

“Are we almost out?” Moody sighed and stopped a moment, straightening up before continuing on.

“Almost, Lupin,” he answered, not sounding quite as intimidating as usual. Remus smiled, knowing Moody was just trying to keep him calm.

Remus yawned and closed his eyes, unable to keep them open any longer. He let out a sharp moan as pain flittered through his subconscious.

“No sleeping, remember,” Moody reminded him, his wand still out and raised. Remus tried to nod, but found he’d lost most of the feeling in his neck.

“Sorry,” Remus murmured, fighting the urge to sleep again. He slumped limply against his rescuer, just hoping that they’d get to Hogwarts soon. A scream sounded from behind them and Moody turned instantly, his wand out and ready.

“Ah yes,” said a familiar voice, who Remus instantly recognized as Lucius Malfoy, “we were wondering where our little test subject had gotten off to,” Moody grunted and tightened his grip on Remus. He belted out a curse that hit a heavy man square in the chest, knocking him backwards. Lucius laughed, and pointed his wand up, waving off the other Death Eaters behind him.

Moody shot a curse at him, but Malfoy blocked it easily. He grinned as Remus gasped, pain starting to out do the numbness that flooded his body.

“He was such a fun little test,” Lucius remarked, gracefully shooting curse after curse at Moody, who rebounded them, “fought all the way up until be gave him the silver,” he paused as he aimed more directly as Moody, “interesting really, we all know that silver kills werewolves in their wolf form, but no one has ever tried it on their human form,”

Moody finally lost it, spelling towards Lucius a powerful curse. It sent him falling backwards, knocking him unconscious. The other Death Eaters all raised their wands and readied them at Moody, but by the time their first curses left their lips, Moody had already fled with Remus down the corridor.

They ran for a long time, the sound of heavy steps behind them, tracking them. Moody ducked into a tight alcove, pressing Remus against him as they squeezed in together, “Don’t make a sound,” he warned, letting Remus’s head loll to his chest.

Lupin’s breathing had sped up and he was now constantly gasping for air. His head felt like it was swimming and the pain had returned, making him unable to stay completely still.

Moody held him, trying to keep him calm. They could hear the Death Eaters approach and walk by, inspecting the area.

Their voices were still loud, but they’d passed, “We’ll wait here until we can’t hear them, then we’ll leave,” Moody whispered, rubbing Remus’s back as a harsh spasm passed through him, “Just hold on,” he added even quieter.

Remus let out a choked cry, only muffled by Moody’s shoulder, “Alastor?” he asked, his voice faint as he looked up at the older man, his eyes unfocused. Moody nodded, inwardly surprised. He’d never heard Remus refer to him by his give name before.

Remus didn’t say anything, only leaned upwards and pressed his lips against Moody’s thin ones, trying to deepen the kiss wetly. Moody didn’t respond, but let the ill man kiss him enthusiastically. It was clear Remus didn’t have a clue what he was doing; he was ill and weak and not in control of himself. Moody refused to take advantage of him, no matter how soft those lips were…

When Remus pulled back he descended upon Moody’s neck, kissing and licking it with the same fervor as he had with his mouth. He pressed his hips against him, and Moody felt the unmistakable bulge of an erection pulsing underneath his robes, affecting his own body. Moody tried to will away his own forming erection. This wasn’t the time or the place, what with Death Eaters roaming around so close, to be doing this. And certainly not with Remus as he was.

But those hips were moving almost frantically against his own and the soft noises Remus was making were intoxicating. They grew louder, and Moody, unable to think of another way to quiet him, captured his lips, kissing him deeply for a second time.

Remus whimpered against him and drove his hips up, gasping incoherently, closing his eyes as Remus bucked and thrust against him. The younger man gave a startled, muffled moan into his mouth and then stilled. Moody felt warm wetness seeping from Remus’s robes against his own. He sighed and caught him as he slumped against him, holding Remus in his arms calmly, despite the ache in his trousers.

The voices had trailed away, only the quietest murmur being heard off in the distance. Moody reemerged out into the corridor, Remus in his arms as they walked through the maze that was the dungeons in Malfoy manor.


Days later Moody arrived back at Grimmauld place and headed up the stairs immediately. Remus lay in his bed, eyes closed as he slept lightly, the blankets pulled high around him.

Moody sat on the edge of the bed and petted his hair away from his face, stroking his forehead softly. As Remus’s eyes flickered open he hastily removed his hand, trying to smile casually as Remus’s large brown eyes looked up at him.

“Awake at last, I see,” Moody murmured. Remus nodded weakly.

“What happened?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

“You don’t remember?” Remus shook his head, yawning. Inwardly Moody sighed.
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