As I mentioned
last week, my standalone novella
Perfect State has been nominated for this year's Hugo Award. In honor of that nomination, the ebook is now on sale at 99¢ worldwide (with some local variation). Check your region by using the widget to the right. I'll soon post the deleted scene and the annotation that I mentioned, but I want to tweak the annotation a bit first.
In other news, here's a video by YouTuber Skillagrim arguing Lightsabers vs. Shardblades. (You can see more of his stuff on
Facebook and
his YouTube channel.) Note: SPOILERS for
Words of Radiance.
Click to view
There are a couple of new Writing Excuses episodes I haven't mentioned yet. The first,
Elemental Adventure Q&A, where we answer many of the questions you may still have questions about how to apply elemental adventure in your work. Hopefully your questions are similar to the ones we collected below, because these are the ones we answered:
- What do readers like more: protagonists going through lots of different incidents and locations, or through a few that are similar to each other?
- What lessons can we learn from adventure games?
- How can we make action scenes that adventurous, but that are not fight scenes?
- Are there tropes we should stay away from in adventure fiction?
- Do you have suggestions for non-western styles of adventure fiction?
- How do you safely skip the long, boring parts of a journey without missing out on necessary character development?
For the second episode,
Elemental Horror, we're joined by Steve Diamond, who helps us kick off our month on the elemental genre of horror. We explore the emotional components that readers seek from horror, and then drill down into the ways that we can create those reactions in our readers.
Last week, in’s continuing reread posts for Words of Radiance, Shallan and Navani began their scholarly collaboration, while Kaladin started to take small steps back toward Honor. This week, in
Chapter 78, Shallan gives Dalinar some truth and some defiance, and Parshendi are encountered.
My assistant Adam has updated the Twitter post archive for