Silent curtain show me some reason

Mar 29, 2012 00:50

I find it really sad that I have less icons on LJ than on DW even though I've had my LJ since June 2002. I let my paid account go down and the thing I miss is being able to track individual comment threads in posts since I've spent a lot of time recently on the Dragon Age kink meme.

Anyway I thought I should probably update, as it's been a while. Not much has changed. Interviewed for a great job a few weeks ago, didn't get it. Applied to a couple more jobs now... fingers crossed.

I did have a great meeting with my boss at the journal I edit for last week so that's good. Got my copy of the most recent issue with my name on the inside cover this time! Woohoo! And we are officially going to two issues a year in 2013.

Things I currently am digging:

Tamora Pierce books - I'm reading the Circle of Magic/Circle Opens books for the first time and enjoying them. Not as amazing as her Tortall books but still great. I love Rosethorn. In case you were wondering.

Once Upon A Time (see icon!) - I love this show soooo damn much. Emma and Mary Margaret/Snow are my favourites FOREVER. They had an awesome moment (well, several moments) in the last episode that made me squee so hard.

Dragon Age 2 - On my fifth playthrough. Really mad they cancelled the next dlc.

The Walking Dead - Loved the season finale. Loved the season. So excited for badass mysterious cloaked lady who wields a sword! I also got really sick of people complaining about how they were on the farm the whole time. Um... this is not a MOVIE. Shit is not going to move that fast and if you were living through the zombie apocalypse would you want to... constantly be on the move in an unknown world... or bunk down somewhere that's relatively safe and has resources for as long as possible?

Grey's Anatomy - Got my friend into the series after she was telling me how much she liked Patrick Dempsey but yet had never seen Greys. Crazy! So now I've been rewatching it a bit.

The Hunger Games - Saw the movie this last weekend and bought the books and am excited to read them for the first time!

Haven't watched the first eps of Legend of Korra yet even though they're available online. I would rather wait to see them as they air. April 14!

If anyone wants to talk nerdy to me or just keep up with me better I've been using iMessage on my iTouch so anyone with Apple products who has it or downloads it can message me from that (or from an iPhone). ::shrugs::

I've honestly been keeping to myself a lot these days. I don't know what to say or how much to say. It's not like anything specific is happening in my life. Just... Keeping it together and moving forward.

the hunger games, dragon age, editing ftw, editorial assistant, tamora pierce, grey's anatomy, real life bs, once upon a time, the walking dead, lj stop your dickery

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