Mar 15, 2006 19:20
Wow. Softball tryouts are upon us once again... wow. This year I feel so much more confident, and so much more relaxed. No longer am I a nervous freshman who has no clue. I am a superior sophomore with perfect potential. I am awesome. I have improved so much from last year, but I am really hoping I don't get cut from the team. *hopes, prays, curses, begs* This was my last year's attitude...
Ramblings of a mad mad mind...
Softball tryouts today. Softball tryouts today. Tryouts for softball today. Today, softball tryouts. Today, tryouts for softball. Tryouts today for softball. I hope i make it. I hope i make it. I hope i make it. Tryouts all week. If i say it enough, maybe it'll come true... I hope I make softball. I hope I make softball. I hope I make softball... Anticipation. Frusteration. Colaberation of a softball nation. Speculation complication. Exasperation. Interrorgation. Participation Notification... I hope I make softball. Nervous, I am to see what will happen. 45 spots. Over 50 trying-outers... Cut cut cut cut cut cut... I hope I don't git cut... sftbll tryut...4:45-6:45... hmmmm...
Now, I am happy, and positive. I am oh so happy. We have enough frosh ballers 4 a team, so I'm so happy. :)
Peace out y'all