Jun 01, 2006 14:30
I had court Tues for my ALS Trail which took my license away 30 days after my arrest. This is strictly a NH thing and takes your license before you are found guilty. WHich i think is wrong, but anyways i went up with the intentions of having something dropped or lessened. My lawyer and the prosacutor talked a little bit and came up with a plea, or i can go to trial and press my luck.
I did have a chance on having the whole case dropped cuz i sent my breath test tubes to a lab to be further tested. The tubes came back .04 and .05 off of what the breathalizer tester recorded that night. If the .04 tube was a .05 the case would of been dropped.
So i went with the plea, got the ALS charge dropped, $900 fine, charge dropped from a class A misderminor, to a class B which is better, and i lost my license for 9 months with the possibility of 6 months. I have one more court date on the 22nd to finialize everything. I also have to take a weekend rehab type class before i can get my licnse back.
At this point its kind of all over with the court and law stuff, and ill just have to wait out me getting my license back. I am already going NUTS!