Jul 05, 2004 20:46
There was some controversy at the dinner table tonight about Farenheit 9/11. Seem like a stretch? Yeah. My democratic voting neighbor didn't believe it. Lemme tell you a little story:
Well I personally haven't seen it, but i have been affected. My neighbors were discussing the VA stuff in the movie and the hospitals being shut down...the person arguing that it was a good thing pissed me off. My grandfather was transferred out of the INTESIVE CARE unit to a nursing home because of a budget cut in the hostpital. Then he died. Why was he transferred? I'd like to see his charts, to see if they actually thought it was a smart move to transfer him out of the ICU. Should we sue the VA? As a working family do we have the time? This stuff is real..
Can you afford to be Republican?
Believe what you want, I'm not here to change your opinion. Just tellin you what i feel. It's just that Bush (more specifically those businessmen who advise bush, mostly making decisions that will benefit them or make someone rich) wants to bring back the draft. We're spread thin over the globe, and we dont have enough manpower to fuel the projects that the BUsh administration wants to take on. He needs more people to go into more oil countries. I dont want to get drafted. I'm sure you dont want to or you dont want your brother/boyfriend to. Think about it.
I would always argue with Phil about Bush. Phil would always say "would you rather a pussy like Gore in office?" BECAUES BUSH IS FROM TEXAS, HE'S A BIG MAN AND HE'S STRONG? god damnit shake that macho shit off and be sensible. When Bush found out that the nation was under attack he sat there. He read a book to children, he was scared. He didn't get up and fucking talk to anyone...he waited to be pulled out of there, because he's used to being pulled out. Sounds like it meets phil's definition of a "pussy" to me.
God I wish i could vote. If Bush gets elected I'm going to be feeling the consequences. Congress is already all Republican, this nation could be screwed.
I wanna see Farenheit 9/11.
If you're pissed at me after reading this because i'm a democratic biased asshole, then good. I hope you're rich enough when you grow up so that you benefit from Republican plans and you can keep being ignorant.