(no subject)

Jul 25, 2018 11:00

I'm not currently adding, sorry!

We will get along swimmingly if you're into Radiohead, what the thunder said, found families, questionable YA lit, Josh Schwartz projects, the genius of assorted musicians, smart actors with fluffy hair, dream setlists + collaborations, rolled-up sleeves, Winamp > iTunes, Ainsley Hayes, you and me against the apocalypse, etc.

Expect sporadic posts about The Good Wife (and the wacky parallel universe populated with all the secondary characters who have gone missing from The Good Wife); Homeland, garbage show of my heart; and old show nostalgia, aka perpetually rewatching Buffy and OTPing so hard I black out. Elementary, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and my slow-motion trek through the wilds of completed prestige TV shows (on deck: Mad Men) will probably also come up at some point. LJ is like an ice floe nowadays, but after a few years of seeing other people, it's safe to say this will always be my favorite place on the Internet.

3/15 - Flist cut. Either our interests diverged and we literally haven't talked for years, or we never really connected. I feel weird about doing this with such finality because I used to be quite close with some of you (and don't have any hard feelings!), but I'm always up for reconnecting if you want to keep in touch. Take care.