Jun 07, 2005 01:37
I love my baby...I love the way she wants to talk to me every night....I miss her so bad...I cant explain it but alls I know is she is the sexiest thing that I've ever laid my eyes on in my entire life...I have such deep feelings for her and thats wut makes her look so sexy to my eyes...She is so beautiful...She is so sexy...She is the ground that I walk on, I think of her every waking minute....Every second that I sleep And all the times in between. I want to hold her, I want to be with her, I want to kiss her and just lay with her for the rest of my life. I want us to work. I want us to be together. I want us to spend every moment happily together for the rest of our lives...I want us to live together, and I want to be the father of her children. I've been thinking of her so much lately, every single second as a matter of a fact...If me and her don't work out I'm not gonna except it and I'm gonna do everything that I possibly can as a human, and as a man to get us back together, and if that doesn't work then I'm gonna do just a little bit more, And if that doesn't work then she will be stamped in my heart and in my mind permanently as the girl that has ahold of my heart, the woman that has my soul, and as the angel that has all the love that I could ever give, and no matter how hard she tries she will never be able to let go....Hopefully
P.s. In case you didn't get it baby girl, Tasha, the light in the sky, the glistening rose....You make me wanna live.
The loving happy twinkle in your eyes keeps me alive so please don't let it go out and please keep the fire burning strong....if it starts to die out then just feed it with the memories of our love and eventually I will be back in your eyes.
Tasha I love you, Your my baby girl, my doll and the only fish in the sea for me..I love you
If anybody wants to e-mail me....My new/old address is DeepBlazer@hotmail.com