Jun 07, 2006 13:28
so i have a story of how i am the greatest genius in all the world and you only wish you were as smart as me, you big fat dumb fatheads. who are dumb.
SO ANYWAY AS I WAS SAYING i have this statement that says someone took out $77 from my account, right? So I say to myself, "I'll find out who the culprit is and punch them mightily in the face!" so i put on my detective outfit and make my way to wachovia. Since it was clearly some asians out to steal my money through the internets, i decided to dispute it right away and THEN get a more detailed bank statement. And on the statement was:
it turns out that i had my account set up as a 6-month subscription plan. so i got my dispute cancelled (it'll take 72 hours before it can be cancelled) and then proceeded to punch myself mightily in the face
oh the con was pretty cool too or something. lots of anime.