Aug 21, 2005 23:04
Man, I have SO MUCH STUFF left unaccomplished of things I've wanted to do over the summer. So, in order to better enlighten you about my FAILINZ AS A HUGH MAN I'll make up a short, sweet list:
1.| Get out of state just ONCE over summer. Never happened, not once. Otakon fell through and still the only places I have been in the ENTIRE world are Illinois (which I don't remember much of), Florida, and Tennessee. Not the finest representatives of the world, unfortunately, and I've yet to change any of that. So, hoorah for me!
2.) GET A LISENCE. I actually still have time to do this. unbeeleevuhbul but its tru i jus gotta get my mom to drive me sum tehn i ca ngo getm y drivers license mebbe hoepfuly i will get it an we cn hav crazee drivin races liek in fast and furious only i am not be vin diesel or taht other guy who isnt as wel nown as him
3.) GET A DEBIT CARD. Something else I can do before I leave! But what /zany whacky sitcom-worthy hijinks/ will ensue when I get it?! Maybe I'll think it's a good idea to use my debit card to order a monkey, only that monkey is secretly a government assassin come to kill off a key political figure in St. Augustine but only has ONE MAJOR DILLEMA! that being that the campus doesn't allow animals and OOOH THE CRAZY COOKY PLOTS THAT WILL ENSUE it makes me titter with anticipation.
Man that went off on a wonky tangent, didn't it?
4.) GET MY NOVEL STARTED. I'm so dumb. I have characters, even an idea for plot, but I haven't even gotten /started/ on it. Nnng. It makes children cry how much of a slacker I am.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something but whatever, /deal with it/. Most important of all is that I'm going to be away from my friends, which means I definitely need to get my lisence. No matter what, Susanna and I must have our fake keggers. :|
OH I ALSO DIDN'T GET MY COMPUTER ISNT THAT GREAT because my mom totally waited until my processor was sold out on and everything else is far too expensive. So I'm going to have to take this shitty computer to school with me until we can order a premade one. I THOUGHT THAT WAS FANTASTIC. SO GREAT I NEARLY EXPLODED IN JOY kjndsfsd sum1 just shoot me in teh hed plz thx bunchs but bring ur own gun i dont wanna waste munies buyin 1
I'm going to miss my parents, too. But living on my own will be a new experience, and one I'll appreciate. I'm just going to miss how things were once.
i also find limon starbursts to be incredibly wrong
there is something cosmically incorrect with their structure on the flavor level